Articles on Member spotlight

Member Spotlight: Casey Parker Animal Law, July 2024 A spotlight on a member of the ISBA Animal Law Section Council.
An Interview with Marion County State’s Attorney, Timothy J. Hudspeth By Jessica N. Hudspeth Child Law, April 2024 A Q-&-A with Marion County State's Attorney Timothy J. Hudspeth.
Member Spotlight: Angela Peters, ISBA Animal Law Section Council Member By Alicia Hill Ruiz Animal Law, April 2024 A spotlight on Angela Peters, a member of ISBA's Animal Law Section Council.
Member Spotlight: Elise ‘Ledy’ VanKavage, ISBA Animal Law Section Council Member By Lisa Velez Animal Law, April 2024 A spotlight on Ledy VanKavage, a member of ISBA's Animal Law Section Council.
Meet Food Law Section Member Michael Gotkin By Angela Peters Food Law, March 2024 A spotlight on Michael Gotkin, a member of the Food Law Section.
Meet Lynne R. Ostfeld By Angela Peters Food Law, February 2024 A member spotlight on Lynne Ostfeld.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Melissa Johnson By Mia O. Hernandez Trusts and Estates, February 2024 A spotlight on Melissa Johnson, a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
Meet Our Chair, Robert Anderson By Angela Peters Food Law, January 2024 A member spotlight on the Food Law Section Council chair, Robert Anderson.
Getting to Know: An Interview With Diane Elliot By Margie Komes Putzler Women and the Law, December 2023 A spotlight on Diane Elliot, a new member of the Standing Committee of Women and the Law.
Member Spotlight: Alicia Hill Ruiz, ISBA Animal Law Section Council Member and Newsletter Co-Editor By Lisa Velez Animal Law, December 2023 A spotlight on Alicia Ruiz, one of Animal Law Section Council's co-editors.
Member Spotlight: Lisa Velez, ISBA Animal Law Section Council Member and Newsletter Co-Editor By Alicia Ruiz Animal Law, December 2023 A spotlight on Lisa Velez, one of Animal Law Section Council's co-editors.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Lisa Knauf By Mia O. Hernandez Trusts and Estates, December 2023 A spotlight on Lisa Knauf, a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
Meet Casey Parker: ISBA Food Law Section Council Member By Angela Peters Food Law, November 2023 A spotlight on Casey Parker, a member of the ISBA Food Law Section Council.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Ashley Bechtold By Jennifer Bunker Skerston Trusts and Estates, November 2023 A spotlight on Ashley Bechtold, a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Tracy A. Ries By Mia Hernandez Trusts and Estates, October 2023 A spotlight on ISBA Trusts & Estates Section Council member, Tracy Ries.
From Teaching to Steel Mills, From Civil Rights Activism to Administering Justice: The Hon. William J. Borah By Junaid “J” Afeef Human and Civil Rights, August 2023 A spotlight on Hon. William J. Borah, recipient of the Illinois State Bar Association’s Elmer Gertz Human & Civil Rights Award.
1 comment (Most recent August 18, 2023)
An Interview With Magistrate Judges Jensen and Schneider of the Western Division By John Holevas Federal Civil Practice, August 2023 An interview with two magistrate judges, Lisa A. Jensen and Margaret J. Schneider.
Meet the New Section Council Chair: Deanna Litzenburg By Shawn Wood Civil Practice and Procedure, July 2023 The ISBA Civil Practice and Procedure Section Council welcomes Deanna Litzenburg as its new chair.
Judicial Spotlight: The Honorable Amee Elizabeth Alonso By Deborah F. Martin & Claire Rice Child Law, May 2023 A spotlight on the Hon. Amee Elizabeth Alonso.
Member Spotlight: Hon. Patricia Piper Golden By Kelly R. Giraudo Women and the Law, April 2023 A spotlight on ISBA Standing Committee on Women & the Law member, Hon. Patricia Piper Golden.
Meet the Chair Mental Health Law, August 2022 A spotlight on the 2022-23 chair of ISBA's Mental Health Law Section Council, Jennifer L. Hansen.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Stephanie Macuiba By Mia O. Hernandez Trusts and Estates, July 2022 A spotlight on a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
People You Should Know: Lynne Ostfeld Food Law, May 2022 A spotlight on Lynne Ostfeld, chair of the Illinois State Bar Association Food Law Section Council.
ISBA ADR Section Council Member Profile: Katherine Gloede Alternative Dispute Resolution, March 2022 A spotlight on Katherine Gloede, a member of the ADR Section Council .
Member Spotlight: Christina Malecki By Jessica Durkin Women and the Law, February 2022 A spotlight on Christina Malecki, a new member to ISBA's Standing Committee on Women & the Law.
2 comments (Most recent March 9, 2022)
Member Spotlight: Lauren Pierucci By Laura Castagna Women and the Law, February 2022 A spotlight on Lauren Pierucci, a new member to ISBA's Standing Committee on Women & the Law.
Profiles of Human & Civil Rights Section Council Members By Megan D. Rice Human and Civil Rights, February 2022 A member spotlight on the Human & Civil Rights Section Council chair, Hon. James M. Radcliffe.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Robert Kaufman By Mia O. Hernandez Trusts and Estates, February 2022 A spotlight on a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
Spotlight on Trusts & Estates Section Council Member Susan Bart By Mia O. Hernandez Trusts and Estates, January 2022 A spotlight on a member of the Trusts & Estates Section Council.
Member Spotlight: Angela Peters Food Law, December 2021 A spotlight on a member of the Food Law Section Council.

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