Thanking Us for Our ServiceBy Mike CortinaBench and Bar, December 2022Although thanking veterans for their service is appreciated, there are additional ways to show support and gratitude.
PTSD is a disability under the ADABy Shari Rhode & Martin D. ParsonsLabor and Employment Law, January 2018Although PTSD is not exclusive to the military, the focus of this article is on veteran/employees with PTSD and some recommendations for how they can be accommodated in the workplace.
Madison County’s Veterans Treatment Court: A model programBy Hon. Richard L. TognarelliBench and Bar, November 2017Under the guidance of the Vet Court, hundreds of veterans have been assisted over the past eight and a half years. The court is thriving, continues to expand its resources and treatment options, and currently has 45 veterans enrolled.
Military pension division and the 2017 radical rewriteBy Mark E. SullivanFamily Law, August 2016A new nationwide standard would overrule pension division requirements in all but half a dozen states. Here are some questions to clarify the issues and the problems.
“Good to go” (and return!) Part 1: Unraveling the rulesBy Mark E. SullivanFamily Law, January 2016A look at military parents who have sole or primary custody, and how military absences can affect their custody orders and their military family care plans.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veteransBy Sandra CrawfordAlternative Dispute Resolution, January 2016The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veteransBy Sandra CrawfordFamily Law, December 2015The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
A tale of two communities: Bringing pro bono collaborative law to Illinois National Guard veteransBy Sandra CrawfordWomen and the Law, November 2015The Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois and the Health & Disability Advocates of Warrior to Warrior have rolled out a pro bono program to bring the Collaborative Practice model of divorce dispute resolution to Illinois Army National Guard Veterans and their families.
V.A. payments and family supportBy Mark E. SullivanFamily Law, July 2015There is a lot of confusion among family law attorneys, and practitioners in general, about VA disability compensation payments. The questions and responses in this article will help to clear the muddy waters.
Dividing CRSS/FERS, TSP and military retirementsBy Kelli E. GordonFamily Law, April 2014Your soon-to-be-divorced client walks in and informs you that their spouse is in the military and they want a portion of their retirement. Now what?
Veteran hiringBy Margery NewmanConstruction Law, March 2014On March 24, 2014 new rules from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs regarding Veteran went into effect. The author discusses the major provisions of the final rule here.
Adopt-A-Base Program FAQsFederal Taxation, January 2014Find out more about this pro bono opportunity and how you can become involved.
Child custody and military familiesBy Catherine M. RyanChild Law, September 2012Caring, competent parents should not lose custody of their children because they answer the call of their country.
The military, veterans, and the law: A primer for young lawyersBy J. Amber DrewYoung Lawyers Division, June 2012With full withdrawal of the United States military combat forces from Iraq completed in 2011 and anticipated withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2014 fast approaching, young lawyers can expect to encounter military-related legal issues increasingly over the next several years, if not decades, as service members return home and reintegrate into their communities.
The Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic—Helping the nation’s veteransBy Angelique Palmer & Yolaine DauphinRacial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, April 2012The VLSC trains students and attorneys throughout the State of Illinois through Continuing Legal Education programs and Veteran Advocacy training.
Military leave laws’ impact on defined contribution and defined benefit plansBy Patrick M. ColganEmployee Benefits, March 2012USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployments Rights Act and the HEART Act (Hero Earnings Assistance Relief Tax Act) created some additional protections on service members’ employee benefits. The employee benefit protections, specifically those impacting defined benefit and defined contribution plans, are the focus of this article.
FMLA—Qualifying Exigency Leave & Military Caregiver LeaveBy Jasmine V. HernandezLabor and Employment Law, December 2009Embedded in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 (“NDAA”) is a military family leave statute. It grants covered military members’ families unpaid leave to manage qualifying exigencies resulting from a family member being on, or called to, active duty (“Qualifying Exigency Leave”), or to care for a family member with a serious injury or illness (“Military Caregiver Leave”).
Use of trusts in VA pension planningBy Steven C. PerlisElder Law, December 2009This article is on the use of trusts in qualifying veterans and their survivors or dependents for VA pension benefits. The pension benefit can be helpful in paying for unreimbursed medical costs, and often makes the difference between remaining at home and premature admission into a nursing facility.