Case law in child abuse and neglect and custody matters
By Catherine M. Ryan
Child Law,
December 2006
During 2006, the Appellate Courts addressed the proper standards for a father in a neglect case, a grandparent in a custody case and a teacher appealing an indicated finding of abuse.
GAO reports to Congress: Patient neglect worse than reported by CMS
By Marjan Peter Staniec
Elder Law,
September 2003
The Government Accounting Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, recently reported (July 2003) its findings of quality-of-care conditions in nursing homes, that during the period of July 11, 2000 to January 31, 2002, about 3,500 nursing homes were cited for serious patient care violations--ones in which patients are actually harmed or placed in immediate jeopardy of serious injury or death.
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