Articles on Real Estate Law

A comparison of single-family residential contract forms By Steven P. Zimmerman Real Estate Law, December 2004 The landmark case of Chicago Bar Association v. Quinlan and Tyson, Inc., 34 Il.2d 116, 214 N.E.2d 771 (1966), continues to define the right of licensed brokers and their agents (collectively, real estate licensees) to prepare real estate contracts on forms customarily used in the community while prohibiting these real estate licensees from engaging in other actions which would constitute the unauthorized practice of law.
A late summer real estate miscellany By Gary R. Gehlbach Real Estate Law, September 2004 The ebb and flow of real estate transactions produce various and sundry issues that may be applicable to transactional attorneys.
Practical considerations in representing parties interested in purchasing properties at judicial foreclosure sales By Gregory J. Moody & Martin Potter Real Estate Law, October 2001 Your long-time client, Miss Money, visits your office one afternoon excited about an investment sure to generate substantial return while incurring minimal risk.
Liquidated damages: you can’t have your cake and eat it too By Mark G. Hanley & Mark C. Zimmerman Real Estate Law, May 2001 Illinois real estate attorneys are well acquainted with liquidated damages clauses.

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