How much is a whistleblower waiver really worth?
By Keith Paul Bishop
Business and Securities Law,
December 2016
If you walked into a Las Vegas casino and placed a bet on a single number at the roulette table, the probability of winning would be 0.02631579. However, even that very low probability is nearly 17 times better than the probability of obtaining a whistleblower award.
Whistleblower Act decision
By Jewel N. Klein
Administrative Law,
January 2013
The creativity of lawyers never ceases to amaze, although new theories and arguments are not always successful. Brame v. City of North Chicago, is one such example.
Whistleblower Act decisions
By Jewel N. Klein
Administrative Law,
March 2012
A summary of the creatively argued case, Brame v. City of North Chicago.
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