Legislation and regulationsHealth Care Law, April 2000The Health Care Section Council has, during the last several months, had the opportunity to review numerous health care-related bills introduced during the current session of the Illinois General Assembly.
Legislative newsWorkers’ Compensation Law, May 2000Senate Bill No. 1535, introduced by Senator Dillard on January 27, 2000, included in pertinent part the following proposed amendments to 820 ILCS 305/11, from Ch. 48, par. 138.11 of the Workers' Compensation Act, and 820 IILCS 310/11, from Ch. 48, par. 172.46 of the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act:
Legislative update 2000By Marc Christopher LoroGovernment Lawyers, November 2000One of the reasons that ISBA Presidents Cheryl Niro and Herb Franks advocated the formation of a Committee on Government Lawyers was the recognition that, traditionally, government lawyers have not joined the ISBA in numbers proportionate to their composition in the Illinois bar.
Legislature receives report of chief justiceBench and Bar, March 2000Editor's note: Pursuant to section 17, article VI, of the 1970 Illinois Constitution, Chief Justice Moses W. Harrison II, on behalf of the supreme court, recently submitted to the General Assembly an annual report suggesting improvements in the administration of justice
Less pain, more payBy Helen SigmanFamily Law, January 2000This is not an article about how to get out of the family law business despite the title.
“Let’s kill all the lawyers”?By Edward F. StanulaElder Law, June 2000I had to read through Macbeth and half of King Lear before I found Shakespeare's quotation on lawyers.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, December 2000Welcome to the sixth edition of the Corporate Lawyer for the 2000-2001 bar year. I want to once again remind you that it is still not too late to sign up for the Corporate Law Department's January CLE program "Corporate Compliance/Voluntary Disclosure."
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, November 2000Welcome to the fifth edition of the Corporate Lawyer for the 2000-2001 bar year. I want to once again remind you that it is still not too late to sign up for the Corporate Law Department's January CLE program "Corporate Compliance/ Voluntary Disclosure."
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, October 2000
Welcome to the fourth edition of the Corporate Lawyer for the 2000-2001 bar year. I wanted to take a moment to remind you that it is still not too late to sign up for the Corporate Law Department's January CLE program "Corporate Compliance/Voluntary Disclosure."
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, September 2000We are still looking for readers who would like to contribute articles for publication. This is a great opportunity for our members to get involved in the ISBA and specifically the Corporate Law Departments Section.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, August 2000Welcome to the second newsletter for the 20002001 year. In this issue of the newsletter we have two articles from two of our section council members.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, July 2000
Welcome to the first newsletter for the 20002001 year (Volume 38). We have big plans for the newsletter once again this year. If you remember, starting with Volume 36 (19981999), the Corporate Law Departments Section Council decided to increase the number of issues of The Corporate Lawyer to five issues per year.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, June 2000
Have you ever wanted to be a published writer? If so, The Corporate Lawyerhas the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people interested in writing articles for future issues of The Corporate Lawyer.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, May 2000Have you ever wanted to be a published writer? If so,The Corporate Lawyer has the perfect opportunity for you.
Letter from the editorCorporate Law Departments, February 2000Have you ever wanted to be a published writer? If so, The Corporate Lawyer has the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people interested in writing articles for future issues of The Corporate Lawyer.
Letter to the editorTort Law, September 2000Judge Barbara McDonald takes the IPI Committee to task for inclusion of IPI 30.03 as a separate element of damage.
Liability in diving cases: rarely open and obviousBy Dennis H. StefanowiczCivil Practice and Procedure, September 2000People involved in diving accidents are usually seriously injured and all face a difficult legal battle.
Liability issues stemming from the use of owner-operatorsBy Timothy W. WisemanEnergy, Utilities, Telecommunications, and Transportation, February 2000Over the past two years, there have been several class action lawsuits filed across the country against various motor carriers for alleged unfair and illegal leasing practices.
Litigation corner: the use of survey evidenceApril 2000Counsel in a case involving an issue of economic power, marketing practices or other general activities should give consideration to the use of a survey in lieu of numerous, expensive, geographically dispersed third-party depositions.
LOE to sponsor management roundtableLaw Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2000The Law Office Management and Economics (Standing Committe on) of the ISBA is sponsoring a management roundtable in Peoria on Saturday morning, March 11, 2000 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Packard Plaza.
A look at the Pollution Control Board’s WebsiteEnvironmental and Natural Resources Law, June 2000The following is a cleaned-up printout of the "links" area of the Pollution Control Board's website, which can be accessed at http://www.ipcb.state.il.us/
Magnet schools—use of raceEducation Law, June 2000The Court of Appeals of the Fourth Circuit ruled that school district's refusal to allow a student to transfer to a magnet school because of his race violated the Constitution.
Maintenance revisitedBy Howard W. Feldman & David K. HarrisFamily Law, June 2000The Fourth District Appellate Court in a decision dated February 9, 2000, affirmed an award of permanent maintenance to a 32-year-old wife, with a high school education, who had been married for 14 years. I
Maintenance revisitedBy Howard W. Feldman & David K. HarrisGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, April 2000The Fourth District Appellate Court in a decision dated February 9, 2000, affirmed an award of permanent maintenance to a 32-year-old wife, with a high school education, who had been married for 14 years.
Managing the time of your lifeBy Chief Justice William H. RehnquistBench and Bar, August 2000The three articles below address a lawyer's use of time, both professionally and personally, so that he or she has a full and satisfying professional, personal, and family life
Maryville Academy: providing a continuum of care for youth in needBy Lindsay Bicknell-Hentges & John LynchChild Law, June 2000Maryville Academy was established in 1883 by Archbishop Patrick Feehan after various epidemics and the great Chicago fire resulted in hundreds of orphaned and homeless children.
McDonnell v. Partlin and the empty chair defense: clarity or quagmire?By Roger M. ScrivnerCivil Practice and Procedure, September 2000In a unanimous decision, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that defendants may use the "empty chair" defense in a medical negligence case, even though there is no opinion evidence of professional negligence offered by a defendant against the missing party.
The meaning of minerals in IllinoisBy Mike DroneAgricultural Law, November 2000It is quite common in Southern Illinois to sever the mineral estate from the surface estate when conveying land.