Chair columnBy Angela PetersInternational and Immigration Law, January 2002The ISBA International and Immigration Law Section Council has not had many significant legislative issues or proposals presented to it for consideration this year.
Chairman’s cFederal Taxation, February 2002One of the goals of the section council over the past two years has been to establish and maintain a dialog with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation.
The chairman’s columnBy Alan J. TobackFamily Law, February 2002Many of us lose sight of the fact that other jurisdictions are constantly rendering appellate court and supreme court decisions.
Chairman’s cornerBy Edward J. HannonFederal Taxation, November 2002For members of the Federal Taxation Section who have not visited the section's Web site (or perhaps more realistically, did not know it existed), the number that appears above your name on your mailing label is your password.
Chairman’s cornerFederal Taxation, June 2002Members of the Federal Tax Section Council traveled to Washington, D.C. on May 9th to meet with legislative aides to Senators Durbin and Fitzgerald and Representatives Hastert, Crane and Weller.
Chairman’s cornerFederal Taxation, January 2002One of the goals of the section council over the past two years has been to establish and maintain a dialog with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation.
Chairperson’s columnGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, March 2002ISBA's President Tim Eaton and the ISBA Board have gone on record to again advocate for changing the Supreme Court rules to permit the sale of a solo practice.
Chairperson’s columnGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, January 2002The Illinois Supreme Court has established a special committee on Lawyers Civility to seek "appropriate ways to promote civility, as the norm, within the legal profession."
Chair’s columnBy Lewis F. MatuszewichCommercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, December 2002The Commercial Banking & Bankruptcy Section Council develops programs for the members of the Section.
Chair’s columnBy Hon. Michael S. JordanBench and Bar, November 2002In the last issue of the newsletter, I spoke about mentoring. I left an open question.
Chair’s ColumnState and Local Taxation, October 2002This is the fourth edition of Tax Trends for the 2002-2003 bar year.
Chair’s columnState and Local Taxation, September 2002"Demography is destiny," says Harold Hodgkinson, the director of the Center for Demographic Policy at the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington since 1987.
Chair’s columnBy Hon. Michael S. JordanBench and Bar, September 2002In my last column I promised that I would focus my attention on a lawyer's important role as a mentor.
Chair’s columnBy Angela PetersInternational and Immigration Law, September 2002I would like to share with you a very interesting article that came into my files during my year as chair.
Chair’s columnBy Jim DunnebackGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, August 2002One of the more difficult jobs of becoming the chair of an ISBA section is getting your chairman's article in to your editors in a timely fashion so you don't delay the publication of the newsletter.
Chair’s ColumnBy Hon. Edward J. SchoenbaumAdministrative Law, July 2002This is my last chair's column. It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to serve the interests of administrative law in Illinois the past eleven months.
Chair’s columnBy Hon. Michael S. JordanBench and Bar, July 2002It is with a great sense of pride that I assume the role as Chair of the Bench-Bar Section Council.
Chair’s columnBy Angela PetersInternational and Immigration Law, June 2002On April 25, 2002, the INS split into two divisions--one for enforcing U.S. laws against those who are illegally within our borders, and one for aliens who need protection under our laws.
Chair’s columnGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, June 2002This has been an eventful year for the ISBA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section. Much of the credit for what the section has worked on and accomplished this year is due to ISBA President, Tim Eaton.
Chair’s columnBy John T. PhippsGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, May 2002If memory serves me correctly, the annual attorney's registration fee we pay was to help offset the cost of the Attorneys Registration and Disciplinary Commission.
Chair’s columnBy Angela PetersInternational and Immigration Law, April 2002The International and Immigration Law Section Council is coordinating the efforts of attorneys who practice in different areas, on a brochure that we would ultimately like to distribute to lawyers and the public through the ISBA and/or a program at a future annual or midyear ISBA conference.
Chair’s columnGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, April 2002ISBA president Tim Eaton has appointed a Special Committee on the Transfer of a Law Practice.
Chair’s ColumnBy Edward J. SchoenbaumAdministrative Law, March 2002I am still trying to track down more of our past chairs to ask them to write articles in this our 30th year of having a newsletters.
Chair’s columnAlternative Dispute Resolution, February 2002The Future of the Illinois Courts Conference scheduled for spring of this year will present a wonderful forum for attorneys and the courts to discuss where we are and where we hope to be.
Child protection law updateBy Catherine M. RyanChild Law, July 2002In 1997, T.R. (16 months) swallowed several prescription antidepressant pills and became comatose.
Child protection law updateBy Catherine M. RyanChild Law, January 2002Mother and her attorney repeatedly told the court that R.S. was conceived by artificial insemination through an anonymous sperm donor.
The Child Representative statute is unconstitutionalBy Scott C. ColkyFamily Law, December 2002The members of the Special Subcommittee of the Illinois State Bar Association who wrote and lobbied for the "Child's Representative" statute were well-intentioned, hardworking attorneys and judges who cared deeply for children.
Child welfare case law updateBy Judge Thomas MuellerChild Law, July 2002Any adult person, including a child's court appointed guardian ad litem, may file a motion/petition to terminate parental rights.