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August 2017Volume 48Number 2PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Editor’s column

The Bench & Bar Section has a diverse membership, and our Newsletter an impressive circulation. Our readers are Judges and Attorneys (some of each are retired) throughout Illinois (and beyond). In a time when we all have numerous publications competing for our time and attention, we strive to put timely, relevant, and interesting content in your hands (or on your screen) with every issue. Our August issue is no exception. You will note, however, that in this issue, except for Deane Brown, our new Chair doing her first Chair’s Column, all of the authors are judges, justice, ALJ, but no attorneys.  September’s issue, we hope, will have a more assorted authorship. Edward Casmere and Evan Bruno, our new Associate Editors, will take the lead on getting our attorneys to get their articles in for all of the remaining issues. If you are interested in publishing an article in the Bench & Bar Newsletter please e-mail us at,, so we can follow up with you.

We like to have four to six articles in every monthly issue. Each author decides their own topic, whether it is about practice, an analysis of a recent decision or legislation, a proposal the Section Council should consider, or something we can learn from another state, or anything at all lawyers and judges should think or write about. If you have questions, call one of us or send them to one or all of us. We encourage any of our readers to recruit family members, summer interns, associates, law school students, etc. to contribute articles. 

This Newsletter goes to all members of the Bench & Bar Section, all Federal and State Judges and is seen by others.

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