Admissibility of an expert opinion prior to or after class certification?By John J. HolevasJune 2010The 7th Circuit ultimately concluded that when an expert’s report or testimony is critical to class certification and forms the basis of plaintiff’s theory, a district court must conclusively rule on any challenge to the expert’s qualification or submissions prior to ruling on a class certification motion.
Before you rush to file a petition for writ of certiorari, you’d better think about a stayBy Ambrose V. McCallSeptember 2010You are past the point of moving for rehearing. Now, as counsel for your client, you must recommend whether to file a petition for writ of certiorari. When so doing, you also wonder whether you can successfully move for a stay of the mandate.
Completing Phase One of the Seventh Circuit Electronic Discovery Pilot ProgramBy Hon. James F. HoldermanJune 2010The Seventh Circuit Electronic Discovery Pilot Program was initiated in May 2009. Phase One has been completed; the Committee will review the feedback it receives regarding Phase One and then commence Phase Two, which will run from July I, 2010 to May 1, 2011.
Why state court practitioners need to know a little about federal civil practiceBy Stanley N. WasserDecember 2010If you need a federal official or employee as a witness, be prepared to possibly find yourself in a federal judicial review proceeding under the federal Administrative Procedure Act while you are litigating your state court case.
Why you might use stick pins when thinking about statutory coverageBy Ambrose V. McCallDecember 2010When reading the Supreme Court's analysis of Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd., one might find stick pins helpful to post the legislative framework on our walls for easier viewing.