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2009 Articles

It’s past time to ratify the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea By Cindy G. Buys October 2009 In May of this year, the Obama Administration announced its treaty priority list. Prominent on that list is the Administration’s support for Senate advice and consent to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Meet the Section Council October 2009 Learn more about Section Council Vice-Chair, Professor William B.T. Mock and Section Council Secretary Anne Skallerup.
Message from the Chair By Cindy G. Buys November 2009 If you want to know more about the work of the section council, you will now be able to view the agenda and minutes of our meetings on the Web page at <>.
Message from the Chair By Cindy G. Buys October 2009 A message from Section Chair Cindy Buys.
Message from the Chair By Cindy G. Buys September 2009 A message from Section Chair Cindy Buys.
Message from the Chair By Cindy G. Buys July 2009 A note from incoming Chair Cindy Buys.
Message from the Chair By Pradip K. Sahu January 2009 A note from Section Chair Pradip Sahu.
Message from the Past Chair By Pradip K. Sahu July 2009 A message from Section Chair Pradip Sahu.
Mexico replaces all 700 of its customs inspectors and replaces them with 1,400 newly trained agents By Mark E. Wojcik October 2009 In August, Mexico announced that it had replaced all 700 of its customs inspectors with 1,400 new agents who were specially trained to detect weapons, narcotic drugs, and other contraband as well as “big-ticket appliances” such as televisions that may be smuggled into Mexico without paying the applicable import duties.
Military Accessions Vital to National Interests (MAVNI): Does your client qualify for the U.S. government’s new pilot program and expedited naturalization? By Timothy B. White June 2009 Since 1996, the Secretary of any Armed Force has had the power to authorize the enlistment of other aliens “if the Secretary determines that such enlistment is vital to the national interest.”
New German arbitration rules meant to expedite proceedings By Mark C. Hilgard & Jan Kraayvanger October 2009 One of the most important advantages of arbitration, when compared to litigation, is supposed to be speed. However, there is growing criticism that in recent years commercial arbitration has become too lengthy and, as a result, too expensive.
Newsflash—The BIA upholds immigrant-friendly precedent! By Sara E. Herbek June 2009 The inspiration for this article is derived from an actual case at the AzulaySeiden Law Group. The author had the privilege of working on this case in preparing and filing the second Immigrant Petition and BIA appeal.
President Obama names Victoria Espinel as Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator By Pradip K. Sahu November 2009 On September 25, 2009, President Obama appointed Victoria Espinel as the new Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator of the United States (the “IPEC”).
Pro Bono Immigration Relief September 2009 The National Immigrant Justice Center has released the following list of pro bono attorneys who provided the assistance to individuals who were granted immigration relief earlier in 2009.  
U.S. courts wrestle with “manifest disregard” after Hall Street By Jeffrey W. Sarles October 2009 Notwithstanding the controversy over the full meaning of Hall Street, there can be no doubt that the decision reconfirmed the narrow scope of judicial review of arbitral awards.
What you need to know about consular notification By Cindy G. Buys January 2009 On Thursday, December 11, 2008, the International and Immigration Law Section Council sponsored an interesting and informative CLE program on consular notification at the ISBA’s Mid-Year Meetings.
What you need to know about consular notification for the defense—What difference can consular notification make? By Scott D. Pollock January 2009 Foreign nationals in the U.S. find themselves in a difficult situation when they are in criminal or immigration proceedings.
Where to look for clients and business or employment opportunities By Lewis F. Matuszewich June 2009 In February of 2007 the ISBA’s International and Immigration Law Section Council met at the offices of Illinois Global Partnership. The officers of IGP explained to the Section Council members the activity and background of the organization.  
A widow’s penalty: Analyzing the Third Circuit’s decision in Robinson v. Napolitano By Mark Philipp July 2009 According to Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) §201(A)(i), an alien spouse whose citizen spouse dies can only maintain “immediate relative” status if the couple had been married for two years prior to the death.
“Yes, We CarNegie!” By Juli Campagna June 2009 The John Marshall Law School in Chicago will hold a one-day conference on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 to discuss the issues raised in Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law, by William M. Sullivan, Anne Colby, Judith W. Wegner, Lloyd Bond, and Lee S. Schulman.