A critical look at recent cases modifying the rule that allows admission of prior injuries to the same part of the plaintiff's body.
Illinois Bar Journal | August 1999 Table of Contents
August 1999 • Volume 87 • Number 8
Practice News
A review of recent law, with a focus on employer liability for supervisors' sexually harassing conduct.
Rule 23 has been applied too freely to limit published opinions in administrative law decisions, this author argues.
This month's Journal features an article by Chicago trial judge Barbara McDonald on a much-discussed topic of late among tort practitioners ; the fifth district's Brown v Baker decision and its impact on the same-part-of-the-body rule.
As I sit at my computer today facing a blank screen and the knowledge that my President's Page is now past due, I am suddenly conscious of the public focus on our profession these recent days.
You may have clients -- elderly or otherwise -- who are eligible to have Medicaid pay a portion of their Medicare costs but aren't taking advantage of the program.
GenXers are a different breed of jurors than their boomer counterparts.
How not to get on your client's bad side — and the wrong side of a malpractice suit.
Read all about the simple, inexpensive legal software we ought to have and learn why we don't have it -- yet.
If you don't have time to read as much as you'd like, consider viewing a movie based on a good book about the law.