Despite its apparent finality, the "survival statute" may not prevent post-dissolution litigation, a review of Illinois cases shows.
Illinois Bar Journal | March 2001 Table of Contents
March 2001 • Volume 89 • Number 3
Practice News
Find out how IRC section 509(a)(3) supporting organizations can be an attractive alternative to traditional foundations.
Employers face serious liability risks when they investigate and monitor workers.
Can new labor organizations created by the AMA strengthen the hand of doctors and patients in the face of growing HMO power?.
Rule 68 can require plaintiffs to pay defendants' costs for refusing a judgment offer.
Municipal administrative adjudication works, says the director of Chicago's Department of Administrative Hearings.
Real Property Disclosure Act; legal department summon(s)ed in error; questions of law now collaterally estoppable; and more.
You risk financial penalty if you treat an employee as an independent contractor.
Want to improve your writing in a hurry? Go heavy on the verbs, easy on the nouns.
Cornell Law School, a cyberspace pioneer, still offers some of the best online resources for lawyers.