Rule 23, which provides for unpublished—and nonprecedential—opinions, has been a source of tension between bench and bar. This article reviews the debate and offers suggestions for change.
Illinois Bar Journal | April 2002 Table of Contents
April 2002 • Volume 90 • Number 4
Practice News
A review and checklist of the deadlines lawyers must meet when they file appeals.
Steps to take and pitfalls to avoid in making sure that information makes it into the record.
Will you need an appeal bond to stay execution of judgment and protect your client's property? This article discusses the process.
Issue-selection strategies for appellate lawyers.
How to capitalize on your last opportunity to face the court.
Must the author of a "certificate of merit" be disclosed?
When we were in law school we learned the basic principles of constitutional, criminal, contract, and tort law by studying opinions written in our state and federal reviewing courts.
Here's how to remind the appellate court of its responsibility, and its power, to overturn or uphold the lower court's decision.
The print law library is dead. Long live the Internet law library.
Given that Illinois sole practitioners can't sell their practices, how can they prepare for death or retirement? This article discusses the problem and outlines a few steps solos can take on behalf of clients and family.