What separates a merely competent judge from an excellent one? Here's a review of the qualities.
Illinois Bar Journal | October 2002 Table of Contents
October 2002 • Volume 90 • Number 10
Practice News
A review of the statutory and case law shielding physicians who provide medical care in emergencies.
The exception has generated a confusing body of case law; the authors propose a way to reconcile the decisions.
A look at how the Act can help your construction-business clients get paid for work they've done on public projects.
Here's how taxing authorities can determine whether property is being used for religious purposes without impermissibly inquiring into religious beliefs.
Here's the hardware and software you need to network the computers in your office and increase your efficiency and productivity.
Attorney-client relationships aren't the only important ones in your professional life. Learn how to talk to your partners, associates and other lawyer-coworkers.
A career is a terrible thing to waste; but if you insist, here's how to do it.