Most information is stored and sent electronically, but most litigators live in the peper-laden past. Here's an overview of e-discovery issues.
Illinois Bar Journal | June 2004 Table of Contents
June 2004 • Volume 92 • Number 6
Practice News
Do your health care POA forms pass HIPAA muster? Read and find out.
A joint ISBA/CBA committee's recommendations for selected new rules of professional conduct.
This article reviews the murky law of will renunciation by mentally incompetent surviving spouses.
A look at a landlord's obligation to be "reasonable" when a tenant wants to sublet.
From a purely personal perspective, it is difficult indeed to try to summarize the highlights of my year as your ISBA President.Â
You're a lawyer, not a manager. Why not free yourself to practice law by turning over office administration to an expert?
You've heard about the albino alligators in the sewers of New York, right? And the Nigerian get-rich-quick scheme? And the lawyer who was too good to get sued?
Heads out of the sand, you ostriches; confront change directly and talk about it honestly.