Odds are you'll be on the receiving end of an ARDC complaint. How should you respond?
Illinois Bar Journal | March 2007 Table of Contents
March 2007 • Volume 95 • Number 3

Practice News
DHS is stepping up enforcement against companies suspected of employing unauthorized workers. Here's how to survive a DHS investigation.
The land surveyor made a mistake - what are the damages? The defenses? Who can recover? This article explores those questions from the plaintiffs' and defense perspectives.
It's a huge mistake to think that every motion after final judgment tolls the deadline for filing an appeal. Here's a review of the statutory and case law.
A recent seventh circuit case bucked convention and allowed a state tort claim in an employment discrimination action.
Lawyers stand at the gates to challenge tyranny and abuse of power.
Wholesale adoption of federal discovery rules by Illinois State courts may be unwise.
Written agreements allow you to define relationships among shareholders, members, and partners.
They can be hard to come by online - here's where to find them.