Notice of foreclosure creates a personal crisis for your home-borrower clients. Here's how to counsel them.
Illinois Bar Journal | February 2008 Table of Contents
February 2008 • Volume 96 • Number 2
Practice News
In Bell Atlantic, the U.S. Supreme Court announced a new federal pleading standard. But its impact on federal pleading practice in Illinois is unclear.
Lawyers who represent manufacturers, insurers and others need to understand the Kotecki gap and the supreme court's ruling that most insurance policies don't cover it.
Police sometimes administer preliminary breath tests to drivers stopped on suspicion of DUI. When and how are the results admissible in a hearing? Here's a look at the cases.
Razor v Hyundai Motor America changed Illinois law by limiting the failure of a remedy to the remedy itself and not implicating the limitation on damages.
If you take away one small skill from the workplace every day, you can build a useful, satisfying career.
The standards and penalties long app-licable to income tax returns now apply to estate and gift tax filings.
What can we do to improve the accuracy and honesty of witness testimony? Not enough.