Should you do legal work for family and close friends? Probably not, ethics experts and seasoned lawyers say.
Illinois Bar Journal | July 2008 Table of Contents
July 2008 • Volume 96 • Number 7
Practice News
Divorcing spouses who try to gain the upper hand by catching the other party in the act may violate federal and state eavesdropping and privacy statutes.
According to the hornbooks, the Act bars testimony by someone with an interest in litigation about a conversation with or event occurring in the presence of a decedent. But what does that mean?
Don't promise the jury more than you can deliver, don't make inflammatory arguments, and more "don'ts" for litigation.
Many contracts are formed by the exchange of price quotes, purchase orders, and invoices, which often contain conflicting terms. This article reviews typical "battle of the forms" issues.
Sharia law? Voluntary dismissal; confrontation clause; HUD-1
Build your family law practice by knowing your stuff and getting your name out.
A growing number of law-review articles are free for the viewing.
HUD's proposed new RESPA regs leave a lot to be desired.