Goodbye JDP, hello "monitoring device driving permit." Here's a look at the sweeping new DUI law that takes effect January 1.
Illinois Bar Journal | December 2008 Table of Contents
December 2008 • Volume 96 • Number 12
Practice News
The Act should quell libel suits against those who legitimately petition government for redress. But does it also shield those who intentionally defame others?
A survey of the United States Supreme Court's labor and employment rulings from the 2007-08 term.
Depending on the facts and law, you might persuade a court to grant interlocutory review under Rule 308. Here's how it works.
What are the best ways to combat incivility? Tougher rules? More sanctions? Allerton House conferees considered these options and more.
Man is the only animal with the true religion and he'll cut his neighbor's throat if his theology ain't straight."
By helping corporate clients with minutes, meetings and more you demonstrate your business value.
Lessons from the A and A case.
Make sure your ads and other communications to the public don't violate ethics rules.