A plain-language primer on the SOS process, including some unwritten rules about how to represent your DUI client.
Illinois Bar Journal | November 2009 Table of Contents
November 2009 • Volume 97 • Number 11
Practice News
The new Illinois virtual representation law allows more trustees and beneficiaries to resolve trust matters by private agreement.
An elderly - and wealthy - person lets investors buy insurance on his life in return for cash, and everyone makes money. Or do they?
An elderly - and wealthy - person lets investors buy insurance on his life in return for cash, and everyone makes money. Or do they?
A recent amendment to the Illinois Supreme Court Rules obscures the purpose of the discovery deposition and the range of its uses
This article analyzes the first district's rejection of a plaintiff's assertion that a cab driver was the agent of the cab company.
With the bar year not half over, the ISBA YLD has been active on many fronts.
RECAP, a Firefox extension, provides free access to otherwise pay-per-view federal documents on the PACER system.
Despite the best analysis of the best evidence, predicting human behavior is a risky business.