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Illinois Bar Journal | December 2009 Table of Contents
December 2009 • Volume 97 • Number 12
Practice News
Big news for estate planners - the new Illinois QTIP lets clients use the full federal exclusion without Illinois estate tax consequences.
When they're sued, corporations and their officers often turn to the corporation's lawyer. But look out for conflicts of interest before you undertake joint representation.
In response to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Illinois Supreme Court issued decisions that give police more freedom to search and question vehicle occupants at traffic stops.
If you represent contractors and you're struggling to get a grip on indemnity, workers' comp liens, and Kotecki waiver issues, this article is for you.
Use trusts, not wills in most cases; Robes, dickies, and wigs.
Our ISBA Family Invites You to Join an ISBA Committee or Section
Learn about new amendments to the Illinois General Not For Profit Corporation Act.
Nonlawyers can represent an employer in administrative proceedings before the IDES.
Ethics rules oblige you to protect your clients and the profession.