An ISBA member explains how his jury service changed - forever - his perspective on trial practice.
Illinois Bar Journal | June 2010 Table of Contents
June 2010 • Volume 98 • Number 6
Practice News
"Trade secrets" can be nearly any type of valuable information, and clients may need your help identifying and protecting them. Here's how.
Are the assets your client got in divorce really "free and clear of all claims" by the ex-spouse? If they're retirement benefits and the claims are for child support, probably not.
A brief review of immunities available to local governments, governmental employees, and volunteers if they're sued for conduct arising from public health emergencies.
Society is best served by requiring the parties - typically sophisticated business buyers and sellers - to bargain for contract protection, the author argues.
How to put your temptation-resisting rational brain in charge.
The med-mal caps ruling continues the age-old battle over separation of powers.
Now lawyers must keep "information" (not just "secrets") confidential.
If an LLC member loses her shares, to what extent does a creditor stand in her shoes?