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Illinois Bar Journal | July 2010 Table of Contents
July 2010 • Volume 98 • Number 7
Practice News
Lawyers who misinform clients about supervision could be in for trouble, especially when deportation is at stake.
What are the limits on discovery and admissibility of content gathered on social media sites? This article looks at the emerging case law.
Courts are reluctant to interfere, but they will step in when they can decide based on neutral principles.
Beneficiaries who accept even a small bequest can be estopped from later challenging the will - and the principle applies to trusts, too.
They care about strengthening communities, helping children, and more.
New rules affect lawyers who represent organizations and clients who appear before agencies.
Free publications, including the daily e-CFR, make federal regulatory research easy.
How judges, lawyers, and litigants in Chicagoland are responding to the foreclosure crisis.