A look at the special ethical challenges that arise when lawyers use Facebook, Twitter and the like and how to address them.
Illinois Bar Journal | October 2011 Table of Contents
October 2011 • Volume 99 • Number 10

Practice News
Illinois replaced the judicial driving permit with the monitored device driving permit ("MDDP"), which requires a large number of DUI offenders to use a breath interlock device. This article reviews the law and recent changes.
Is it time to move your practice online? Internet-based legal software innovations offer practitioners ways to cut costs while expanding their potential client base.
From new IOLTA rules to a new official citation system, a range of important supreme court rule changes took effect from January through September of 2011.
District courts must decide whether prisoners have properly exhausted their administrative remedies before allowing their cases to proceed to the merits.
Being forced to sell a home in this economy is a recipe for financial misery.
Sometimes the best technology is good old pen and paper.
Judicial discretion gives judges tremendous power - and a heavy responsibility.