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Illinois Bar Journal | February 2012 Table of Contents
February 2012 • Volume 100 • Number 2
Practice News
What if opposing counsel wins a continuance to go to a funeral but takes an island vacation instead (and posts photos on Facebook)? Ethics authorities explore these and other hypotheticals.
In Staub, the Supreme Court expanded the "cat's paw" theory, which holds that an unbiased decisionmaker can be liable for employment discrimination. The article looks at what the decision means for Illinois practitioners.
Under the revestment doctrine, litigants can "revest" the trial court with otherwise expired jurisdiction by participating in a case without objection 30 or more days after entry of the final order. But recent rulings draw the viability of the doctrine into question.
Dodd-Frank is the most comprehensive overhaul of the financial services industry in recent history. Here's what it means for businesses and consumer finance litigators.
Fee contests over physician testimony reflect the tension between lawyers and doctors.
Encourage wealthy clients to give tax-avoiding gifts now.