Returning phone calls, carefully defining your scope of representation - such client-friendly behavior isn't just good business practice, it can keep the ARDC from your door.
Illinois Bar Journal | May 2012 Table of Contents
May 2012 • Volume 100 • Number 5
Practice News
In Kladis, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the state commits a discovery violation if it loses or destroy video evidence in a misdemeanor DUI case. Here's a look at this and related cases.
The IMDMA's 12 factors for calculating maintenance amount to a checklist for both sides in a divorce where maintenance is an issue. This article discusses each factor.
New Rule 703 permits an expert witness to base an opinion on inadmissible facts if they are reasonably relied on by experts in the field.
You could argue that a contract provision is ambiguous because it has more than one meaning. Or you could argue that it doesn't have any clear meaning. The article looks at both approaches.
Joining the ISBA's charitable arm lets you give back to the profession, help those who need it, and have fun in the process.
What better place to look for court information - everything from opinions to court rules to brief-writing guides - than the court's own website?
"Bricolage" is the art of creating a solution using whatever is available. It's an art litigators would do well to cultivate.