Employee theft is an all-too-common occurrence. Experts advise lawyers how not to be victims.
Illinois Bar Journal | September 2013 Table of Contents
September 2013 • Volume 101 • Number 9
Practice News
The U.S. Supreme Court's DOMA case opens the door to an array of federal benefits for same-sex married couples. But Illinoisans won't enjoy its full advantages, the authors argue.
Email discussion groups let you get quick answers from fellow lawyers, but they pose ethical pitfalls. Here's how to avoid trouble.
These three rules can help keep your work for a divorcing client from being undone when one of the parties files for bankruptcy.
Illinoisans in the military - especially reservists - enjoy additional consumer rights designed to protect them while they answer the call to duty. Find out how the SMCRA works.
In August 1893, 30 female lawyers met in Chicago. A recent event remembered them.
HeinOnline and Fastcase subscribers now have access to each other's data.
What if the bank won't accept your client's valid POA for property? Might six jurors be better than 12 for your DUI trial? Here's what other lawyers think, based on Qs and As gleaned from ISBA discussion groups.
Does a bank owe a fiduciary duty to depositors? Do usury laws put a cap on the interest rates banks can charge? Learn the often surprising answers to these and other banking-law questions.