Promoting civics education, reshaping ISBA's solo and small firm conference, and helping debt burdened law students and new admittees tops new ISBA President Rick Felice's agenda.
Illinois Bar Journal | July 2014 Table of Contents
July 2014 • Volume 102 • Number 7
Practice News
More law firms are taking cases from far-flung places, and they need local counsel to make court appearances on their behalf. Find out more about this growing source of business.
More cases, including a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling, define whether a police investigatory stop based on a citizen tip is valid.
Settling workers' compensation and employment-related claims together can benefit both employers and workers, but it takes careful planning to make it work.
The seventh circuit recently held that a homeowner debtor can extend the deadline to redeem property sold at a tax sale by declaring Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Find out what it means.
Unionized college football; sartorial choice for women lawyers.
Storing your client's will? Understand the ethical obligations.
They can if you have the time.
Interview the client before the attorney-review window closes.