ISBA President Anna Krolikowska on her ambitious plans, motherhood, and “life-work” balance.
Illinois Bar Journal | July 2021 Table of Contents
July 2021 • Volume 109 • Number 7
Practice News
Illinois courts have made fraud an extremely subjective and fact-specific claim. This subjective standard is evidenced by the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court’s September 2020 decision in Metropolitan Capital Bank & Trust v. Feiner.
Managing in the #MeToo environment has changed the dynamic of the employment relationship. There are many considerations for preventing and responding to incidents of sexual harassment in the law office.
Although familial DNA database searches have been used as a law-enforcement aid across the U.S., these searches have yet to be scrutinized by many courts, including in Illinois.
ISBA’s 2021-22 president announces plans for the year, including in-person events.
Find a qualified ISBA member when a case falls outside of your area of practice.
Built-in and add-on features that transform your email program into to-do lists and time-management systems.
Online tools for tracking legislation as it passes through the Illinois General Assembly.
The cochairs of the ISBA’s Steering Committee on Racial Inequality on desiring equality and justice as an association.