Requesting Promotional Materials for ISBA Programs, Products, and Services

To ensure consistent branding and marketing of programs, products, and services by the ISBA, the following protocols have been established:

  • The ISBA does not permit members to create and distribute member-made advertisements or flyers for ISBA programs, products, or services.  Nor will ISBA staff use member-made materials to advertise ISBA programs, products, or services. 
  • All design and promotion requests for ISBA programs, products, and services should be sent to your group’s Staff Liaison.
  • Your Staff Liaison will then work with the ISBA Communications Department staff to produce the promotional materials.
    • You will have the opportunity to review and comment on the promotional materials before they are finalized.
  • When requesting promotional materials for a given program, all information should be provided (date, time, location, explanation of event, pricing, etc.).
    • Requests should not be made before this information is available.
  • Requests for promotional materials must be made at least a month in advance of the program, with additional time for larger scale projects and promotions.