CLE Distinguished Service Award

This award honors individual ISBA members who have made outstanding contributions to ISBA continuing legal education. The award does not recognize a single program, but the meritorious work of the recipient over a substantial period of time. It is not necessarily presented every year.

Past Winners

  • 2024 - Pamela Kuzniar and Brick Van Der Snick
  • 2023 - William A. Price
  • 2022 - Samuel Levine

Nomination criteria

  1. Length of involvement in ISBA continuing legal education.
  2. Quality of work in continuing legal education programming.
  3. The nature of the individual’s involvement with continuing legal education (e.g., as section CLE coordinator, program coordinator, presenter, moderator, etc.)
  4. Innovative use of numerous presentation formats.
  5. Presentation of topics relevant to ISBA members.

If you have any questions, please email Christine Self, Director of CLE.

Nominations are closed, please check back in the fall to nominate someone.