An attempt to block Illinois’ ban on high-power semiautomatic weapons will take more time to resolve.


When Chicago area businessman James W. Bracken III was going after a $61.7 million city contract from Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration in 2016, he placed a high-ranking city official named William M. Mahon at the top of his list of references.

Chicago Sun-Times

Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers: What You Need to Know So You Aren’t Left in the Dust

Posted on November 16, 2023 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from our highly-popular speaker, Drew Vaughn, as he explains how artificial intelligence can help streamline your business operations and improve your marketing, which will allow you to focus on what you love – practicing law.

Andrew D. Purcell, who was disbarred in Missouri in October and has been assigned a case number by the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, learned the hard way that lawyers can get into trouble when they claim to be in two places at the same time.

ABA Journal

A federal appeals court has ruled for a Louisiana lawyer who alleged that the mandatory state bar association violated his First Amendment rights by spending dues money on speech that is not germane to regulating lawyers or improving legal services.

ABA Journal

Winnebago County State’s Attorney J. Hanley says two Illinois State Police members will not face charges in connection to the in-custody death of Lamar Bell of Rockford.


The filings claim the beauty brands ‘intentionally targeted Black and Brown women,’ as well as teenagers and children without warning them of the potential effects of the chemical ingredients.

Chicago Sun-Times

A $700,000 federal grant to University of Illinois Springfield will be used to help central Illinois cops arrest their biases when dealing with people of different cultures and races.

Illinois Times