High Court: All Circuits Must Use Statewide E-Filing System Beginning 2018

Posted on August 1, 2017 by Mark S. Mathewson

A recent court order (http://bit.ly/2rkz8A6), which amends the court's January 22, 2016 mandatory e-filing order, requires circuits with existing e-filing programs to switch to the statewide eFileIL system by July 1, 2018. The original order had not set a specific date, but said that one would be announced in the future.

Another change wrought by the amendment is that all courts must make their case documents and information available to a new statewide remote access system known as re:SearchIL. However, this does not mean that attorneys and the public will have immediate access to the new system. The high court has stated that implementation and access will progress at a pace that it sets.

Initial access will only be provided to judges, clerks, and court officials. The amended order says that attorneys and the public will ultimately gain access -- re:SearchIL "is designed to serve as an online remote access system similar to Pacer in the federal courts."

Before that can happen, "a remote access policy needs to be fully vetted and approved by the supreme court," Madison County Chief Circuit Judge David Hylla says. The high court's e-Business Policy Advisory Board, of which Hylla is chair, is working to recommend a policy, he says. He expects that re:SearchIL will be "available to the bar and the public soon after all or nearly all courts are integrated with the central [Electronic Filing Manager.]"

There will be a predetermined document access fee (much like Pacer). The amended order says that the fee will be paid in full to the circuit court owning the case documents-so long as the court has migrated to eFileIL.

ISBA Board to High Court: Consider Impact of E-Filing on Pro Se Litigants

Posted on July 28, 2017 by Mark S. Mathewson

The ISBA Board of Governors voted at its July 21 meeting to ask the Illinois Supreme Court not to require self-represented litigants to use the e-filing system that launches in January until the impact of mandatory e-filing on nonlawyers can be studied and addressed. Speaking on behalf of the proposal, Board member Angelica Wawrzynek of Mattoon noted that no other mandatory e-filing state requires pro se litigants to file cases electronically and that two-thirds of civil cases filed outside Cook County in 2015 included at least one self-represented litigant.

In other action, the Board

● agreed to join the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in filing an amicus brief in In re the Marriage of Goesel, 2017 IL App (3d) 150101. The ISBA/AAML brief will support the court’s ruling that earned and paid legal fees are not available for disgorgement as part of an interim fee award under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act;

● approved an ethics opinion stating that an in-house lawyer may provide legal services to multiple subsidiaries of the same corporate parent as long as doing so doesn’t otherwise violate the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct;

● voted to support an ABA resolution that urges states and units of local government to adopt a policy of trapping, neutering, vaccinating, and returning stray cats to the community;

Save Up to 45% on Concert Tickets with Tickets At Work

Posted on July 27, 2017 by Sara Anderson

Save up to 45 percent on Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's show, Soul2Soul: The World Tour, in Chicago, taking place on September 1 in Rosemont. 

These offers are provided to you through the Illinois State Bar Association’s Member Marketplace.

Want to sign up? It's free and easy: 
1. Visit www.ticketsatwork.com
2. Use your company code: ISBA
3. Read and follow the easy steps on our site, and once registered you can access all tickets, events, hotels and more online for free.

CLE: Environmental Due Diligence in the Era of President Trump – Live Webcast

Posted on July 27, 2017 by Sara Anderson

Do you advise clients on the liability considerations involving real estate or business operations? Then you won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear from a seasoned environmental law attorney as he discusses environmental due diligence under the new administration. Attorneys with all levels of practice experience who attend this online seminar on September 14, 2017 will better understand: how to manage the risks associated with environmental considerations; the role of the government in these cases; the doctrine of caveat empter and its role under the administration; how tort liability and environmental law intersect; statutory environmental cleanup liability under state and federal law; and how the new Administration’s proposed changes to environmental liability and regulations might affect your client.

The seminar is presented by the ISBA Real Estate Law Section and qualifies for 0.75 hour MCLE credit.

Click here for more information and to register.

Board, Assembly Vacancies Filled at Board of Governors Meeting

Posted on July 26, 2017 by Sara Anderson

The ISBA Board of Governors met on Friday, July 21. At the meeting, the Board filled one vacancy on the Board of Governors in Area VIII and two vacant Assembly seats in Cook County. The results of the elections to fill these leadership positions are below.

Board of Governors

  • Area VIII (Circuits 3 & 20): Perry Browder, Alton


  • 18th Circuit: Richard Veenstra, Wheaton
  • Cook County (Two-Year Term): Jill O'Brien, Chicago
  • Cook County (One-Year Term): Evan Schanerberger, Chicago

How Easy Is it for Clients to Do Business with You?

Posted on July 26, 2017 by Mark S. Mathewson

What's the experience like at your law firm for the people who matter most - your clients? Isn't it time you asked them?

Many firms and attorneys don't take the time and effort to map clients' journeys through the firm, with the goal of ensuring that they reach their destination as efficiently and effectively as possible.

"I've learned to ask a very simple question that drives this point home: 'How easy are you to do business with?'" says Josh Kubicki, Cincinnati-based chief strategy officer at Seyfarth Shaw LLP. "You may be one hell of a lawyer, but you may be a pain-in-the-you-know-what to do business with, from billing, to reaching you, to communicating, to you using words clients understand. If you're able to make that easier for your clients, you'll be able to capture value."

Kubicki discussed client mapping as part of his presentation at the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism's The Future Is Now: Legal Services 2.017 conference in Chicago in May (see http://bit.ly/2tfrOUv).

The process of journey mapping isn't that difficult but requires an ongoing, step-by-step commitment, Kubicki says. First, an attorney or firm needs to take a step back and think about all the different touchpoints - people, processes, and tools - they use in delivering service, he says. Find out how to remove pain points and improve service for your clients in the August Illinois Bar Journal.

Share Your IllinoisLawyerFinder Profile on Your Personal Page

Posted on July 26, 2017 by Sara Anderson

Once you have updated your IllinoisLawyerFinder profile by adding a photo or uploading an article, you can directly link to it from your website or blog using a badge. Doing so can help potential clients verify who you are and make it easier for them to book appointments online. This video will walk you through the process of sharing your profile.