- Take Back Your Day with Scheduling Software
- Working With Clients Who Like to DIY
- Pardon the Interruption
- Improving Client Communication
- Improving Communication Through Technology and Policy
- Outlook - Top 10 Tips and Tricks
- Email Encryption and Secure Client Communication
- The Importance of Developing and Following Policies
- Meeting the Reasonable Care Standard
- The Leadership Conundrum
- How to Create a Client Intake Form
Products and Services
- Client Brochures - Public information pamphlets for your office
ISBA Advisory Opinions on Professional Conduct
Other Ethics Resources
- Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 1.4 Communication
- Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 1.14 Client with Diminished Capacity
- Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 1.16 Declining or Terminating Representation
- Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 2.1 Advisor
- Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 3.3 Candor Toward the Tribunal
Free On-Demand CLE
Eligible ISBA members receive 15 hours of Free On-Demand CLE as a member benefit. Non-members may purchase these programs.
The “DNA” Client
Validity of E-Signatures in Illinois
Branching Out
It’s Okay, I’m a Lawyer!: How the Expansion of the Attorney-Litigation Privilege is Changing the Game
Clients From Hell
What You Might Have Forgotten About Billing Clients
Setting boundaries when you engage a friend or relative as a client
- February 2018
- February 2018
Cutting costs, maximizing memberships and streamlining your practice
- February 2017
Ten steps for successful conversations with difficult clients
Dealing with difficult clients: Is it worth it?
Beware the pitfall: Avoiding ethical lapses in client intake
How to be a considerate advocate without ever representing a client
Why divorce lawyers should be tuning in more with their “sensitive side” to relate better to clients
31 ways to dramatically increase trust
- October 2015
My former client called and wants his file—What do I have to give him?
Client first aid: Look, listen, and feel
Riding the DIY Wave
Handling Confrontational Clients
Compassionate Consultations: Winning Over Prospective Clients
Managing expectations—Ours (The lawyers) and theirs (The clients)
So your client has given you physical evidence of a crime…
Legal business models: Ethical concerns of adjusting to client demands
Win or lose, the client may not always be right
Problem clients
Telling a prospective client “I’m just not that into you”
Dealing with a difficult client
You want it when?
Client communication should start at the beginning
Are You a Client-Savvy Counselor?
Handling High-Maintenance Clients
The seven deadly sins of business e-mail
- April 2005
Five ways to make your client feel important
Getting and keeping clients
Making law offices elder-friendly: Advice from the field
Dealing with emotionally distraught and irate clients
Handling a client
The initial interview and client relations
The lawyer as counselor: Do you have the skills to be a truly effective helper?
It’s Okay, I’m a Lawyer!: How the Expansion of the Attorney-Litigation Privilege is Changing the Game
Is Dropbox Safe?
Is Your Email an Open Secret?
How to navigate conflicts between demands for confidentiality of discovery and settlement and indemnification—your duty to your client and the law
- February 2018
Guidance for attorneys in dealing with cybersecurity risks
Client Confidentiality in the Digital Age
Confidentiality orders and filing under seal
Ensuring client confidentiality with best practices
Silence is the new Golden Rule
Information Security for the Solo and Small Firm Attorney
Practice Update: Who is your client? What document can you disclose
Now you don’t see it—Now you do
Communications and confidentiality issues: A cautionary tale
The high price of free email