Articles From Robert G. Markoff

New Rule: Service of Process in Cook County By Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. & Robert G. Markoff Elder Law, January 2025 A new law recently signed by Governor J. B. Pritzker now allows licensed private detectives and their employees to serve process in Cook County without court appointment. The new law became effective on January 1, 2025.
New Rule: Service of Process in Cook County By Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. & Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, December 2024 A new law recently signed by Governor J. B. Pritzker now allows licensed private detectives and their employees to serve process in Cook County without court appointment. The new law is effective as of January 1, 2025.
New Rule: Service of Process in Cook County By Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. & Robert G. Markoff Bench and Bar, October 2024 A new law recently signed by Governor J. B. Pritzker now allows licensed private detectives and their employees to serve process in Cook County without court appointment. The new law is effective as of January 1, 2025.
Promote Access to Justice (and Social Distancing) by Eliminating the Date-Certain Summons By Robert G. Markoff & Steven A. Markoff Elder Law, October 2020 A look at how we can modernize our court system to improve access to justice.
Promote Access to Justice (and Social Distancing) by Eliminating the Date-Certain Summons By Robert G. Markoff & Steven A. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, September 2020 A look at how we can modernize our court system to improve access to justice.
Save Judicial Resources: Eliminate Orders for Alias Summons By Robert G. Markoff & Steven A. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, June 2020 Judges contemplating how to resume their court calls should consider setting a specific time period for the plaintiff to obtain service.
Second Citations to Discover Assets Directed to a Previous Respondent By Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, February 2020 Supreme Court Rule 277 imposes a major limitation on the number of citations to discover assets that may be issued to one party.
Tweaks to Judgment Enforcement Law By Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, February 2020 P.A. 101-191, which was recently signed into law, updates and modernizes several aspects of judgment enforcement law related to citations to discover assets, garnishment, and wage deduction.
Electronic filing fees may now be taxed as court costs (& more)! By Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, January 2017 Until the recent enactment of SB 2845, these filing fees could not be taxed as court costs as they were not authorized by state statute.
Distress for rent By Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, December 2015 Although very rare today, Distress for Rent is still a useful cause of action in the right circumstances.
2 comments (Most recent December 30, 2015)
Alternative methods of forced sales of debtors’ property By Robert G. Markoff Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, October 2015 Since sheriff sales may not garner the seller an item's full value, the author provides a list of other venues available for selling items.

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