Articles on Chair’s column

Note from the Chair By William Seitz State and Local Taxation, October 2010 An invitation to attend Section Council meetings, from Chair William Seitz.
Notes from the Chair By Lee Beneze Elder Law, October 2010 A tribute to Joseph R. Bartylak, Executive Director of the Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation from 1976 to 2003, who passed away at the end of August.
YLD Chair’s corner By Robert Fink Young Lawyers Division, October 2010 A look at upcoming events for members of the YLD.
Chair’s column By Rory Weiler Family Law, September 2010 A message from Chair Rory Weiler.
1 comment (Most recent September 11, 2010)
Chair’s column By Annemarie E. Kill Women and the Law, September 2010 An introduction to the issue from outgoing Chair Annemarie Kill.
Chair’s comment By Kavita Puri September 2010 A message from Chair Kavita Puri.
From the Chair By Jennifer A. Shaw Human and Civil Rights, September 2010 A look at what to expect in this newsletter in the coming year, from Chair Jennifer Shaw.
Greetings from the Chair By Adam Nelson Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, September 2010 A look at what members of the Committee have to look forward to in the coming year, from Chair Adam Nelson.
Letter from the Chair By Christina Schneider Child Law, September 2010 A message from Section Chair Christina Schneider.
Welcome to the Federal Civil Practice Section By Travis J. Ketterman Federal Civil Practice, September 2010 The Section's Chair gives a glimpse into what lies ahead for members in the 2010-11 bar year.
Chair’s column By Hon. Ann Breen-Greco Administrative Law, August 2010 An introduction to the coming year from new Section Council Chair Ann Breen-Greco.
Chair’s column By Rory Weiler Family Law, August 2010 A summary of what Family Law Section members can expect in the coming year, from new Chair Rory Weiler.
Chair’s column By Thomas A. Bruno Bench and Bar, August 2010 A brief discussion of Sen. Robert C. Byrd's career and its relevance to the Bench & Bar Section.
From the Chair By Robert Fink Young Lawyers Division, August 2010 An overview of the 2010-2011 YLD bar year, from Chair Robert Fink.
Message from the Chair By William Mock International and Immigration Law, August 2010 An outline of the agenda for the coming year from 2010-2011 Section Chair William Mock.
Notes from the Chair By Lee Beneze Elder Law, August 2010 What to expect in the coming year, from new Section Council Chair Lee Beneze.
Outgoing Chair’s column By Ross S. Levey Family Law, August 2010 A farewell note from 2009-2010 Chair Ross S. Levey.
Chair’s column: Rule 304(a) findings and “final orders” By Brian L. McPheters General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, July 2010 The cautious practitioner will look at a judgment he or she might want to appeal and consider the following: Does the order dispose of an entire claim in the case? If declaratory judgment is involved, does the order terminate the controversy or some part thereof? If so, request a Rule 304(a) finding.
Chair’s comment page By Marc Christopher Loro Administrative Law, July 2010 An introduction to the issue from Section Chair Marc Loro.
Incoming Chair’s column: Continuing the tradition! By Michael K. Goldberg General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, July 2010 A note from Michael Goldberg, will serve as Chair of the General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section in the coming year.
Message from the Immediate Past Chair By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, July 2010 The final column from 2009-2010 Section Chair Cindy Buys.
Chair’s column By J.A. Sebastian Bench and Bar, June 2010 A letter from the outgoing chair of the Bench & Bar Section.
Chair’s column By Sonni Choi Williams Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2010 With the immense support of President John O’Brien, the ISBA is taking action to ensure and encourage more diversity into the ISBA leadership.
Chair’s comment By Jennifer M. Dixton June 2010 A message from outgoing Chair Jennifer Dixton.
Comments from the Chair By Amy A. Breyer Animal Law, June 2010 A letter to readers from the Animal Law Section's Founder and Chair.
From the Chair By Lisle A. Stalter Government Lawyers, June 2010 An introduction to the issue from the committee's chair.
Message from the Chair: Musings and observations By Steven C. Lindberg Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2010 The final column from the 2009-10 Section Chair, Steven C. Lindberg.
Notes from the Chair By Kelley A. Gandurski Young Lawyers Division, June 2010 A letter from outgoing Chair Kelley Gandurski.
Update from the Chair of the Women and the Law Committee 2009-2010 Diversity Leadership Council, June 2010 The Chair provides insight into the Committee's accomplishments this year.
Chair’s column By J.A. Sebastian Bench and Bar, May 2010 An introduction to the issue from the Chair of the Bench & Bar Section.

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