Articles on Chair’s column

From the chair By Arthur J. Inman Human and Civil Rights, August 1999 Welcome to the 1999-2000 ISBA year and to the new edition of our section council newsletter. Several new members on our council add a variety of experience to our deliberations and programs.
From the past chair By Iain D. Johnston Human and Civil Rights, August 1999 In the past several years as a member of this section council, I have been lucky to work with smart, interesting and fun lawyers and judges, whom I now consider my friends.
Introduction from the chair By Kimberly Matthei Corporate Law Departments, August 1999 Welcome to the first issue of the Corporate Law Departments (CLD) newsletter for the 1999-2000 Bar year. 
Chairman’s column By Richard W. Zuckerman Family Law, June 1999 Ah--the practice of family law. That initial burst of energy as you run to the courthouse for Orders of Protection, Temporary Restraining Orders, Temporary Custody and Support Orders and, of course, Interim Fees.
Chairman’s column By James J. Moylan Business and Securities Law, June 1999 In the March 1999 issue of the Corporation, Securities and Business Law Forum, the section council announced our pro bono initiative.
The chairman’s corner By Robert Weber Federal Taxation, June 1999 This will be my last letter as chairman of the council. By the time this is printed, my term will have expired.
Chair’s Column Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 1999 This marks the final newsletter for our 1998-1999 year. It has been a pleasure for me to serve in this capacity.
From the incoming chair By Paul Bernstein Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 1999 As we approach the 21st century, we lawyers see more and more challenges to our positions in society and our professional opportunities.
Message from the chair By Gregory G. Thiess Corporate Law Departments, June 1999   With your receipt of this edition of The Corporate Lawyer, my term as chairperson of the Corporate Law Departments Section Council comes to a close. 
Notes from the chair By Karl Menninger Elder Law, June 1999 This newsletter has focused on practical, useful issues to assist the elder law practitioner.
Chairman’s column By James J. Moylan Business and Securities Law, May 1999 One of the primary responsibilities of the section council is to provide for the professional educational needs of our members.
From the chair By Iain D. Johnston Human and Civil Rights, May 1999 This issue of the newsletter contains the agenda for a presentation sponsored by this section council and the Child Law Section Council.
The chairman’s corner By Robert Weber Federal Taxation, April 1999 The IRS has now been operating under Commissioner Rossotti since November of 1997.
Chair’s Column Alternative Dispute Resolution, April 1999 In previous issues, I have made mention of the fact that our section council was proceeding to draft legislation regarding the certification of mediators in Illinois.
From the chair By Todd H. Flaming Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, April 1999 1999 is an exciting year in legal technology for the ISBA and for Illinois practitioners. If you haven't been keeping up with the latest developments, read on.
From the chair By Richard D. Larson Child Law, April 1999 Those of us who serve on the ISBA section councils recognize this as a special season of the year.
Message from the chair By Gregory G. Thiess Corporate Law Departments, April 1999 The change of seasons brings with it many changes, but the energetic work of your Corporate Law Departments Section Council on many projects and initiatives has continued unabated.
Notes from the chair By Karl Menninger Elder Law, April 1999 If your local bar association is casting about for an activity for this year's Law Day, you might propose an activity involving the rights of older persons.
View from the chair By Stuart H. Wolf Business Advice and Financial Planning, April 1999 I am pleased to report that the 10th Annual Collegium was a huge success.
Chairman’s column By James J. Moylan Business and Securities Law, March 1999 The section council decided to move forward with our pro bono initiative.
Chairman’s column By Richard W. Zuckerman Family Law, February 1999 Rehabilitate ­ to put back in good condition; restore to a state of physical, mental or moral health through treatment and training.
The chairman’s corner By Robert Weber Federal Taxation, February 1999 As I promised in our first newsletter, I wanted to have interesting speakers at our meetings. So far we have been very successful.
From the chair By Iain D. Johnston Human and Civil Rights, February 1999 This edition of the newsletter contains material that arose from the Midyear Meeting.
Message From the chair By Richard D. Larson Child Law, February 1999 I was recently asked by the chairpersons of the CLE Committee of the Family Law Section Council to prepare and present a segment for their CLE Program at the Mid-year Meeting on the topic of representing family law clients who become the subject of a DCFS investigation.
Message from the chair By Gregory G. Thiess Corporate Law Departments, February 1999 As we begin the New Year, I would like to take this opportunity to update section members on some of the initiatives and activities your Corporate Law Department Section Council has been pursuing in recent months.
Chair’s Column By Herb Bell Alternative Dispute Resolution, January 1999 In my previous chair's column, I outlined in a very general way the goals for the ADR Section Council
Notes from the chair By Karl Menninger Elder Law, January 1999 The changes in our society's technology can be difficult to comprehend. There were people who watched humans land on the moon who were alive when the first manned flight happened.

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