Articles on Diversity

The Unity Dinner and Annual Bar President’s Swearing-In Ceremony unites the legal community in a celebration of diversity Diversity Leadership Council, June 2010 More than 50 area bar associations came together for the 2009 Unity Award Dinner and Seventh Annual Bar Presidents Swearing-In Ceremony.
Update from the Chair of the Standing Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law Diversity Leadership Council, June 2010 The mission of the Standing Committee has been focused on educating and creating awareness of issues impacting racial and ethnic minorities.
Reorganization will strengthen the ISBA’s diversity efforts By Alice M. Noble-Allgire Human and Civil Rights, February 2010 You may not have heard any hammers or saws, but the ISBA recently completed a major renovation of its diversity-related committees and sections councils—a renovation that is already seeing substantial dividends in terms of greater efficiency and collaborative creativity.
Reorganization will strengthen the ISBA’s diversity efforts By Alice M. Noble-Allgire Women and the Law, December 2009 You may not have heard any hammers or saws, but the ISBA recently completed a major renovation of its diversity-related committees and sections councils—a renovation that is already seeing substantial dividends in terms of greater efficiency and collaborative creativity.
The City of Chicago renews its commitment to minority and women-owned businesses By Daniel R. Saeedi Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, November 2009 The City of Chicago has recently renewed its Minority and Women Business Enterprise Program, an affirmative action program in construction with goals for awarding 24% of City construction contracts to Minority-owned Business Enterprises and 4% to Women-owned Business Enterprises. 
The commitment to diversity should be a badge worn every day By Sonni Choi Williams Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, November 2009 As the Peoria County Bar Association celebrated its 6th Annual Diversity Luncheon, I looked at the crowded room filled with more than 300 attendees including judges, ISBA representatives, school board members, students, and lawyers and felt proud that so many came out to support the commitment to diversity. But my celebratory mood dampened when I was also reminded of how easily the call and commitment to diversity can be overshadowed by a five-star event and the all-so-convenient excuse of the current economic downturn.
Interview with Julie Bauer By Paula H. Holderman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, November 2009 Julie A. Bauer is an equity partner with the international law firm of Winston & Strawn LLP, headquartered in Chicago. 
2007-2009 Task Force on Diversity By E. Lynn Grayson Women and the Law, September 2009 The efforts are continuing to ensure that the ISBA is as welcoming an environment as possible to all Illinois attorneys. We invite you to learn more about diversity initiatives within the ISBA by visiting our new diversity Web site at <>.
The 2008 ISBA Diversity Survey By Albert J. Klumpp Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 Last spring more than 2,500 ISBA members participated in a survey conducted by the ISBA’s Task Force on Diversity.
California Proposition 8 update By Sepi Ghafouri Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 Last summer, the Supreme Court of California became the second state high court in the United States to end years of marriage inequality.
The Call to Action: Advancing Women Attorneys in Leadership in Chicago By Jane DiRenzo Pigott & E. Lynn Grayson Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 The Chicago Bar Association (“CBA”) issued a Call to Action (“CTA”) in 2004 with 10 law firms acting as leadership signatories:
Checks and balances at work: The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 By William D. Goren Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 overrule several United States Supreme Court decisions that had narrowed considerably the scope of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Chicago Urban League, et al. v. State of Illinois, et al.: Summary of Cook County Circuit Court’s April 15, 2009 opinion By Lisa T. Scruggs, Sandi J. Toll, & Shyni Varghese Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 In a decision issued by Cook County Circuit Court Judge Martin S. Agran, the Court announced that Plaintiffs in the Chicago Urban League et al. v. State of Illinois and Illinois State Board of Education case have stated a valid claim of discriminatory disparate impact under the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003.  
The Coalition of Women’s Initiatives in Law Firms: From dream to reality By Pamela M. Belyn Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 In the summer of 2008, a group of more than 30 women’s initiatives in Chicago law firms came together to form the Coalition of Women’s Initiatives in Law Firms—the first organization of its kind in the United States. The Coalition’s mission is to benefit member firms by providing positive avenues of communication, collaboration and guidance that help member groups to enhance the recruitment, retention and promotion of women lawyers and support the building, implementation and continued relevancy of women’s initiatives in law firms.
Diversity Task Force—Report from the Chair By Alice M. Noble-Allgire Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 As I write this column, Lynn Grayson and I are putting the finishing touches on a comprehensive report to the Board of Governors detailing the activities of the Task Force on Diversity during the past two years and offering a plan of action to chart the course for the ISBA’s diversity efforts into the future.
The Legal Balance: Resources for women attorneys and a safe haven to discuss diverse personal and professional concerns and perspectives By Erica Zalokar Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 This spring, a new resource, The Legal Balance, will be made available to women attorneys here in Chicago.  
A new path to equality: The Challenge to Section 3 of DOMA in Gill, et al. v. OPM, et al. By Paul M. Smith, Daniel I. Weiner, & Lindsey C. Harrison Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 On March 3, 2009, the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) commenced a challenge to Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 1 U.S.C. § 7, in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.  
Reflections on World AIDS Day By Yolaine Dauphin Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 According to The Skeptic’s Guide to the Global AIDS Crisis, a book authored by Dale Hanson Bourke, approximately 8,500 people die of AIDS every day.
Remarks as prepared for delivery by Attorney General Eric Holder at the Department of Justice African American History Month Program Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009 Remarks prepared by Attorney General Eric Holder.
A response to Attorney General Eric Holder’s remarks By Andrea Flynn Diversity Leadership Council, June 2009  As lawyers, we are trained to tackle intellectual problems daily; however, a lack of diversity and troubled race relations cannot be easily analyzed and solved like a legal issue.
Supreme Court to hear corporate diversity jurisdiction case By Peter LaSorsa Federal Civil Practice, June 2009 The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari in Hertz Corporation v. Friend, in which the Court will consider whether the location of a nationwide corporation’s headquarters can be disregarded by a court in determining a principal place of business for the purposes of diversity jurisdiction.
Workplace diversity: Employee resource groups By Mona M. Stone Women and the Law, March 2009 Workplace diversity training has been around for some time, but is growing in importance as the demographics of the working population continue to evolve.
“Who Me? A Law Professor?” aims to diversify law faculty By Suzanne Schmitz Women and the Law, December 2008 Did you know that 63 percent of the law professors in the U.S. are men? 70 percent of full professors are men. 74 percent of law professors are white or Caucasian.
Diversity Task Force reappointed after productive first year By Alice M. Noble-Allgire Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, November 2008 ISBA President Jack Carey has authorized the continuation of the Task Force on Diversity for another year to continue several projects initiated during its first term.
“Who Me? A Law Professor?” aims to diversify law faculty By Suzanne Schmitz Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, November 2008 Did you know that 63 percent of the law professors in the U.S. are men?
The ADA on the edge of 17: That was the law that was By Patrick J. Kronenwetter Diversity Leadership Council, June 2008 In addressing the concept of diversity within the legal profession, the constituencies that most often come to mind are women, racial and ethnic minorities and persons with alternate sexual orientations or gender issues. But there is another, sometimes over-looked, group of lawyers who should be included in any discussion on diversity—namely, lawyers with disabilities.
The ADA on the edge of 17: That was the law that was By Patrick J. Kronenwetter Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2008 Diversity, to no one’s surprise, means different things to different people.
All you need is love. . . And the right legislation: The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act (House Bill 1826) By Annemarie E. Kill Diversity Leadership Council, June 2008 The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act (HB 1826) was originally introduced in the Illinois House on February 23, 2007.
Chicago Bar Association’s Call to Action: Progress on Women in Leadership in the Legal Profession By Jane DiRenzo Pigott Diversity Leadership Council, June 2008 The Chicago Bar Association’s Alliance for Women put out a Call to Action on women in leadership positions in the legal professions in 2004.
Diversity in the Legal Profession: ISBA’s commitment continues Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2008 The Illinois State Bar Association has a long-standing and unwavering commitment to diversity in the legal profession and in the Association.

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