Articles on Editor’s note

Editor’s note By Paul E. Freehling Administrative Law, May 2008 A message from Editor Paul Freehling.
Editor’s note By John L. Nisivaco Tort Law, May 2008 The first article, written by Matthew Willens, provides a primer on preparing your client for his or her deposition. Mr. Willens’ article is an excellent reminder of the preparation points and discussion each litigator must have before presenting a client for a deposition.
From the Editor . . . By Anthony J. DelGiorno Elder Law, May 2008 It was a pleasure to serve as editor of the Elder Law Section Council’s Newsletter during the 2007-08 year.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, May 2008 This month’s Tax Trends features an recent United State Supreme Court Decision involving the issue of whether the “State of Illinois constitutionally taxed a share of capital gain realized by an out-of-state corporation on the sale of one of its business divisions.”
Editor’s Column: Observations at ABA Tech Show—2008 By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, April 2008 The ABA Tech Show 2008 was held March 13-15 at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago.
Editor’s note By John L. Nisivaco Tort Law, April 2008 The first article, written by William Cirignani, is designed to educate and assist litigators new to bile-duct injury cases.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, April 2008 This edition of Tax Trends features the 2008 Illinois Department of Revenue Practitioners’ Meeting.
Editor’s introduction By John L. Conlon March 2008 The United States Supreme Court’s removal of vertical minimum resale price restrictions from the per se category of antitrust violations last year in Leegin v. PSKS, Inc., created a large number of unanswered questions as to how such restrictions would be treated under the Rule of Reason and under the various state antitrust laws.
Editor’s note By John L. Nisivaco Tort Law, March 2008 A message from Editor John Nisivaco.
Editor’s notes By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, March 2008 The co-editors of this newsletter appreciate the positive feedback we have received for each issue that we have produced.
From the editor By James K. Weston, Sr. Mineral Law, March 2008 A message from Editor James K. Weston, Sr.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, March 2008 This edition of Tax Trends features an article by Stanley R. Kaminski, Co-Editor.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, February 2008 This edition of Tax Trends features three case summaries of recent Illinois Appellate decisions.
Editor’s note By Thomas D. Cavenagh Alternative Dispute Resolution, January 2008 Once again, we welcome new student editors for this year’s volume. Ashley Crettol is a senior Psychology major and Math minor at North Central College.
Editor’s note By John L. Nisivaco Tort Law, January 2008 The first article of this edition is written by Tort Law Section Council Member, Dan Wurl. Mr. Wurl’s article provides an excellent primer on issues relating to the disclosure of witnesses pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 213.
Editor’s introduction By John L. Conlon December 2007 An introduction to the issue from Editor John Conlon.
Editor’s notes By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, December 2007 Chairman Dennis Ruth has decided to seek a judgeship in Third Judicial Circuit. On September 26, the Madison St. Clair Record 2007 reported:
From the editor By David JE Roe Insurance Law, December 2007 The ISBA Insurance Section attempts to summarize relevant insurance decisions within The Policy.
Inside Administrative Law, December 2007 This is a very special issue of the Newsletter. As you can see, the first two articles concern ALJ, and very active Section Council member, Ann Breen-Greco.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, December 2007 A message from Editor Mary Ann Connelly.
Editor’s Column: In praise of our staffs and contingency planning By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, November 2007 This past summer was a very trying summer for the Editor, who experienced numerous office staff problems which, because of an unexpected staff family emergency, ended with a temp who, because of the need for training, (which we did not have time to do) could not do much other than answer the phone.
Inside Administrative Law, November 2007 The role of attorneys and accountants in administrative proceedings is not identical to their role in a court. Julie-April Montgomery wrote an article for the ISBA Tax Trends Newsletter about their role in state and local tax hearings.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, November 2007 This edition of Tax Trends features a summary of Public Act 644, the “7 percent tax cap,” by Section Council Member John Norris.
Editor’s introduction By John L. Conlon October 2007 The United States Supreme Court garnered some headlines in the business press at the conclusion of its last term when, by a 5 to 4 decision, the Court overruled its 96-year-old Dr. Miles decision and removed resale price maintenance from the list of per se antitrust violations.
Editor’s note By Thomas D. Cavenagh Alternative Dispute Resolution, October 2007 We welcome and are grateful for contributions to this newsletter from members of the section.
From the editor By James K. Weston, Sr. Mineral Law, October 2007 We continue to solicit articles or ideas for articles for publication in this newsletter.
Inside Administrative Law, October 2007 This issue of the Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and useful information on diverse subjects.
A note from the Co-Editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, October 2007 This edition of Tax Trends features a summary of the 95th General Assembly legislative bills that were signed by the Governor.
Editor’s notes By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, September 2007 On August 17, 2007 Chairman Dennis Ruth made the following announcement:
From the editor By David JE Roe Insurance Law, September 2007 The ISBA Insurance Section attempts to summarize relevant insurance decisions within The Policy.

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