Articles on Editor’s note

A message from your editors By Alan J. Toback & Karen P. O’Neill Family Law, June 1999 In this issue you will notice that some of our usual columns are missing.
Co-editor’s note Tort Law, May 1999 Our first article is by section council member Scott B. Gibson, Scott B. Gibson, Ltd., Waukegan, Illinois. Mr. Gibson represented the plaintiff in Henrich v. Libertyville High School, et al.
Editor’s note Real Estate Law, May 1999 In this newsletter, we are treated with three interesting articles involving three diverse topics.
Editor’s notes Trusts and Estates, May 1999 Editor's note: This issue of the Trusts and Estates newsletter contains three interesting articles. The first article is by Deanne Morgan of Saint & Carmichael, P.C., Bloomington, Illinois.
From the editor Business and Securities Law, May 1999 Our third issue of the newsletter was developed by council member, Patricia C. Holland, and includes our regular columns and some interesting new ones.
To our readers Employee Benefits, May 1999 The third of our four "theme" issues addresses the topic of employee benefits in business transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.
To our readers Employee Benefits, May 1999 The second of our four "theme" issues addresses the topic of health care continuation rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 ("COBRA").
Editor’s column By Malcolm L. Morris Business Advice and Financial Planning, April 1999 This edition comes a little later than usual, but we think you will agree the wait was worthwhile.
Letter from the editor By Michael Todd Scott Corporate Law Departments, April 1999 As this forth edition of The Corporate Lawyer for the 1998-99 year goes to press, we are already completing the fifth edition. Thus, I can now state for certain that we will make our goal of providing you with five newsletters this year.
Co-editor’s note Business and Securities Law, March 1999 In addition to our usual columns, this issue contains articles by Dexter Johnson on how to Stay Out of Trouble with the SEC, and Brent Gwillim on Piercing the Corporate Veil.
Editor’s note: New publication State and Local Taxation, March 1999 Illinois tax practitioners will want to examine a Research Institute of America publication, "Illinois Tax Handbook." Its author, Mr. Stanley R. Kaminski, is secretary of the State and Local Taxation Section Council. The
Editor’s notes Real Estate Law, March 1999 This newsletter contains articles on two timely mortgage issues.
From the editor By Robert C. Knuepfer, Jr. Business and Securities Law, March 1999 Our second issue of the newsletter was developed by council member, Donna Cunningham, and includes our regular columns and some interesting new ones
Editor’s note Trusts and Estates, February 1999 Editor's note: This newsletter issue contains a compendium of recent Illinois estate and probate decisions prepared by Donald L. Metzger of Edwardsville, Illinois.
Editor’s notes Real Estate Law, February 1999 Both articles selected for this issue of Real Property are based on very recent Illinois appellate court decisions, both come out of the First District and, of particular interest to the real estate practitioner, both are Illinois cases of first impression.
Editors’ notes State and Local Taxation, February 1999 Recently, the mayor of the city of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, and the Cook County assessor, James Houlihan, sponsored a program to provide homeowners, who are on low-income budgets, assistance in financing the payment of their real estate taxes.
Letter from the editor By Michael Todd Scott Corporate Law Departments, February 1999 This is the third edition of The Corporate Lawyer for the 1998-1999 year and we are still on track to meet our goal of five newsletters this year.
Co-editor’s note Tort Law, January 1999 The first article, by section council member Charles Winkler, Winkler and Gorey, Ltd., discusses the new amended CTA notice requirement.
Contributions Welcome Elder Law, January 1999 The Elder Law Newsletter serves as the communications vehicle for and between members of the Elder Law Section, other practitioners and the legal profession at large.
Editor’s column By Malcolm L. Morris Business Advice and Financial Planning, January 1999 This is a special edition of our newsletter devoted to the section's upcoming collegium.
Editor’s notes By Nancy Hyzer Real Estate Law, January 1999 This issue is mainly devoted to a case law update. The case law contributors are members of the Winnebago County Bar Association who concentrate their practices in real estate law.
From the editor By Ellen Pauling Child Law, January 1999 The Many Faces of Lawyering for Children" CLE held on December 12, 1998, was outstanding.

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