Articles on Editor’s note

Inside Administrative Law, November 2003 This issue of the newsletter contains a myriad of articles. Following the Chair’s column, Section Council member Laura Kotelman reviews new Insurance Department rules relating to the Department’s written information security program.
Letter from the co-editors Corporate Law Departments, November 2003 We are still looking for readers who would like to contribute articles for publication. This is a great opportunity for our members to get involved in the ISBA and specifically the Corporate Law Departments Section.
A note from the editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, November 2003 An introduction to the issue.
Editor’s column: Child support collection procedures need attention By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, October 2003 The practice alert article in this issue by Brian L. McPheters clearly indicates a problem that the courts and the legislature need to address.
Editor’s note By Margaret M. Benson Employee Benefits, October 2003 Like October, there's an abundance about this issue. Many thanks to our authors who worked hard to burnish these substantial articles for publication in our Section newsletter.
Editor’s note By John L. Nisivaco Tort Law, October 2003 The first article in this edition is written by Jeffrey Kroll of Clifford Law Offices. Jeff does an excellent job of analyzing Dicosola v. Bowman, the recent First District Appellate Court decision involving the inadmissibility of photographs depicting minimal vehicular damage to support the defense argument that no injury occurred.
Editor’s note By Gary R. Gehlbach Real Estate Law, October 2003 This is an all-star issue, with articles by Samuel Levine, Jack Murray and Dick Bales! Regular readers will recognize these experts from prior issues and numerous other real estate publications.
Editor’s note: Introducing In the Alternative’s new student editors Alternative Dispute Resolution, October 2003 Each year, In the Alternative selects students with an interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution to serve as student editors.
Editor’s notes October 2003 In November 19, 2003, at 12:00 Noon at the Chicago Bar Association, your ISBA Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law Section will present jointly with the CBA's Antitrust Law Committee the second of two sessions focusing on the nuts and bolts of class action antitrust practice.
A note from the editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, October 2003 Please mark October 29, 2003 in your calendar and plan to attend the seminar sponsored by the ISBA and the State and Local Taxation Section entitled "Real Estate Tax Issues in Everyday Practice/ New Issues Confronting The Real Estate Tax Practitioner."
Comments from the editor Agricultural Law, September 2003 As we all know, "agricultural law" is an amalgamation of other areas of the law, ranging from real estate to environmental law and estate planning to corporations.
Editor’s column By Ross S. Levey & Robert Segal Family Law, September 2003 As newly appointed newsletter editors, we would like to take this opportunity to ask for your help in making the upcoming year a successful one.
Editor’s column: Wall Street analysts’ conflict of interest claims By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, September 2003 The following article, "Practical Considerations For Representing Your Clients Who Have Been Damaged by Wall Street Analysts' Conflicts of Interest," by Chicago attorney James J. Eccleston, would seem to be something far removed from the ordinary General Practice Solo and Small Firm newsletter.
Editor’s comments By Lewis F. Matuszewich International and Immigration Law, September 2003 This is the first issue of The Globe for 2003-04. For the past few years we have had a target of six issues each year.
Editor’s notes By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, September 2003 Gerald F. Cooper has completed a successful term as Chairperson of the Workers' Compensation Law Council Section.
Editor’s notes By William T. Kaplan Business Advice and Financial Planning, September 2003 We are about to rectify an area of neglect. The Section Council is known as Business Advice and Financial Planning.
Editor’s notes By Gary R. Gehlbach Real Estate Law, September 2003 If your practice involves any tax-deferred exchanges of real property, the first article in this issue is a must read. Internal Revenue Code § 1031(f), read literally, provides that if a taxpayer exchanges like-kind property with a related party, the tax deferral will be denied if the property acquired from or transferred to the related party is disposed of within two years.
From the Bench Federal Civil Practice, September 2003 The "From the Bench" column which starts with this issue, will be a regular feature in the Federal Civil Practice newsletter, and will include comments and practical tips from various federal judges across Illinois
Inside Administrative Law, September 2003 The place to be on Friday, September 5, 2003 is the ISBA's Chicago Regional Office where a large group of speakers will educate us on the law of administrative agencies and discrimination claims.
Letter from the co-editors Corporate Law Departments, September 2003 We are still looking for readers who would like to contribute articles for publication.
A note from the editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, September 2003 This edition of Tax Trends features an article written by Louise Calvert, our legislative liaison during the 93rd General Assembly.
Editor’s notes By Gary R. Gehlbach Real Estate Law, August 2003 A topic that many of us would rather avoid is attorney billing practices. G. A. Finch, a former member of the Real Estate Law Section Council, has shared an excellent article that should help all of us be more effective when billing.
From the editors Trusts and Estates, August 2003 This issue has three articles of extreme interest. The first article by David Berek of Chicago discusses recently signed legislation which de-couples the Illinois estate tax from the allowable federal estate tax death credit.
In this issue By Phillip R. Van Ness Environmental and Natural Resources Law, August 2003 This month's newsletter concentrates on the changes forthcoming from the Illinois Statehouse. There were a lot of them.
Inside Administrative Law, August 2003 This issue of the newsletter features two articles.
A note from the editor By Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, August 2003 Knowledge is a powerful tool. As attorneys, we are responsible for keeping ourselves abreast of the law and aware of new changes.
Editor’s column By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, July 2003 The Chicago Tribune recently published an article about the growing trend of "online divorce services."
Editor’s note By Margaret M. Benson Employee Benefits, July 2003 Your Employee Benefits Section Council members were all in force for our assigned 4:30 p.m. meeting at the ISBA Annual Meeting on Friday, June 20, 2003 at The Abbey in Lake Geneva.
Inside Administrative Law, July 2003 This issue of the newsletter begins with incoming Section Council Chair Tom Battista's column, setting forth his agenda for the year and his plans regarding the newsletter.
Editor’s column By John T. Phipps General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, June 2003 Several years ago I wrote a newsletter column titled "Terror by Fax" where I discussed the general acceptance of the fax machine, and how lawyers were then being asked to respond on short notice to faxes.

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