Articles on Federal Taxation

Tax pamphlet: Do you have canceled debt? By James Creech Federal Taxation, August 2013 The Center for Economic Progress has provided a new pamphlet designed to answer frequently asked questions about issues that commonly occur for low income taxpayers.
Corporate and partnership tax update By Michael L. English Federal Taxation, November 2002 In Revenue Procedure 2002-22, the IRS announced conditions under which it would consider a request for a ruling that an undivided fractional interest in rental real property is not an interest in a business entity.
Individual income tax update: Legislative developments and selected IRS rulings By Thomas F. Arends Federal Taxation, November 2002 Introduction: The following update is a summary of recent legislative developments and selected IRS rulings in the individual income tax area that was set forth in the Federal Taxation Section's 2002 Federal Tax Conference recently held in Chicago and Bloomington, Illinois.
The Internet and personal property like-kind exchanges— The brave new world By Edward J. Hannon Federal Taxation, November 2002 Under the rules of section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, a taxpayer will recognize no gain for federal income tax purposes if, among other things, the taxpayer exchanges property that is used in the taxpayer's trade or business or held for investment solely for like-kind property that is used in the taxpayer's trade or business or is held for investment.
Tax procedure update By Thomas F. Arends Federal Taxation, November 2002 Introduction: The following update is a summary of selected topics on IRS tax collection procedure and representation issues presented and discussed at the Federal Taxation Section's Federal Tax Conference recently held in Chicago and Bloomington, Illinois.
Estate, gift and generation-skipping tax update By Kelli E. Madigan Federal Taxation, June 2002 IRS Notice 2002-25: The Notice extends the time period for donees who made charitable contributions in excess of $250 between the period of September 10 and December 31, 2001, to obtain a written acknowledgment from the charitable organization as required under Section 170 (f)(8), or to acquire evidence of a good faith effort to obtain the documentation from such charity, until October 15, 2002.
Individual income tax update By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, June 2002 In 1 122 S. Ct. 1414, 152 L. Ed. 2d 437 (2002), the United States Supreme Court held that an individual's interest in a tenancy by the entirety was a property interest to which a tax lien could attach.
The tax treatment of tenant-in-common ownership interests in a like kind exchange is now the subject of a recently issued revenue procedure By Edward J. Hannon & Elizabeth S. Tenney Federal Taxation, June 2002 On March 20, 2002, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Revenue Procedure 2002-22, which sets forth the conditions under which the IRS will consider a request for private letter ruling on the issue of whether an undivided fractional interest in real property qualifies as qualifying replacement property for purposes of the tax-free like kind exchange rules of Code Section 1031.
Benefits implications for employers under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 By Thomas Vasiljevich Federal Taxation, March 2002 Civilian employees who were called to active military duty to support our country's national security initiatives following the tragic events of September 11 may now be returning from such active duty.
Corporate and partnership tax By Michael L. English Federal Taxation, March 2002 1. Corporate compensation deduction denied. The Tax Court, in Tesco DriveAway Co., Inc., T.C. Memo. 2001-294, ruled that an accrual method corporation could not deduction compensation paid to related cash method taxpayers where the payments were made after the close of its fiscal year but prior to the end of the taxpayer's calendar year.
Individual income tax update By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, March 2002 In Mora v. Comm'r, 117 T.C. No. 23 (2001), the Tax Court held a woman was entitled to separate innocent spouse relief under I.R.C. §6015(c) with regard to her former husband's tax shelters.
Chairman’s c Federal Taxation, February 2002 One of the goals of the section council over the past two years has been to establish and maintain a dialog with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation.
The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act Of 2001 provides for a tax-free method of funding college education By Edward J. Hannon, Jonathan M. Cesaretti, & Raquel Villanueva Federal Taxation, January 2002 The unique combination of tax and non-tax benefits of Qualified Tuition Plans, also known as Section 529 College Savings Plans ("Section 529 Plans"), make them one of the most important means for saving for higher education today.
Estate and gift and generations gifting tax update By Kelli E. Madigan Federal Taxation, January 2002 In two different Private Letter Rulings the IRS acknowledged two different state court orders reforming trust documents to correct a scriveners' error in the underlying document.
Individual income tax update: refinancing a personal residence By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, January 2002 Home mortgage rates are at bargain levels. A few key concepts should be remembered in advising clients in refinancing situations.
Chairman’s corner Federal Taxation, October 2001 Welcome to the first edition of the Federal Taxation Newsletter for the 2001-2002 year.
Estate tax repeal By Robert J. Krupp Federal Taxation, October 2001 Has the estate tax been repealed? It depends on what your definition of "repeal" is.
A new definition of income By Kelli E. Madigan Federal Taxation, October 2001 Historically, interest and dividends have been treated as income while capital gains have been treated as principal.
Recent developments in corporate and partnership tax By Michael L. English Federal Taxation, October 2001 In Seggerman Farms, Inc., T.C. Memo. 2001-99, the Tax Court ruled that the shareholders of a family corporation recognized gain on the transfer of assets to their controlled corporation where the liabilities assumed by the corporation exceeded the shareholders' adjusted basis in the property transferred.
Chairman’s corner By John B. Truskowski Federal Taxation, June 2001 Representatives of the Federal Tax Section Council traveled to Washington, D.C. on May 10 to meet with legislative representatives of Senators Durbin and Fitzgerald and Representatives Hastert and Crane.
Individual income tax update By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, June 2001 In Vinick v. United States, 205 F.3d 1 (1st Cir. 2000), the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ("First Circuit") reversed a district court ruling that a corporate officer was a responsible person for purposes of Code §6672, which imposes a 100% "penalty" tax regarding the failure to withhold employment taxes.
Recent developments in estate and gift tax By Michael L. English Federal Taxation, June 2001 1. Service issues proposed regulations on ESBTs. The Service has issued proposed regulations on the qualification and treatment of electing small business trusts (ESBTs).
Tax planning opportunities using the new 18 percent capital gain rate By Edward J. Hannon & Jonathan M. Cesaretti Federal Taxation, June 2001 The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (the "1997 Act") changed the rate at which federal income tax was imposed on long-term capital gain rates. As originally enacted, the 1997 Act created three rates, a 28% rate, a 25% rate and a 20% rate
Estate and gift tax update By David R. Reid Federal Taxation, March 2001 The estate and gift tax area is at a crossroad. President Bush has promised to repeal "the death tax."
Individual income tax update By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, March 2001 In Service Center Advice 200105062, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") has advised service centers that they cannot abate individual estimated tax penalties resulting from income attributable to a conversion of a traditional Individual Retirement Account ("IRA") to a Roth IRA.
IRS rules that a trade association’s advertising program does not produce UBTI By John B. Truskowski Federal Taxation, March 2001 Trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations are subject to tax on their unrelated business income.
Individual income tax update By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, January 2001 The Internal Revenue Services ("IRS") has issued Form 8869, Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary Election, to be used by a parent S corporation to elect to treat one or more of its eligible subsidiaries as a qualified Subchapter S subsidiary ("Q Sub").
IRS and SSA announce new benefit limits for 2001 By Thomas Vasiljevich Federal Taxation, January 2001 The Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration have announced the annual cost-of-living adjustments to various benefit limitations.
Recent developments on estate and gift tax By Michael L. English Federal Taxation, January 2001 The Service, in REG-106511-00, issued proposed regulations relative to the filing of an application for an automatic six month extension of time to file an estate tax return.
Tax court discusses continuity of business enterprise requirement By John B. Truskowski Federal Taxation, January 2001 In a recent decision, the U.S. Tax Court discussed the continuity of business enterprise, a judicially established and regulatory requirement for tax-free reorganizations.

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