Recent casesInternational and Immigration Law, February 2013Recent cases of interest to International and Immigration Law practitioners.
Setting up in Flanders—Part 4By Ian RobberechtsInternational and Immigration Law, February 2013Some points for a foreign investor to consider when starting commercial operations in Belgium.
Authentication of documents: ApostillesBy Lynne R. OstfeldInternational and Immigration Law, November 2012The Hague Conference is currently conducting a pilot project to develop procedures for the issuance and use of electronic Apostilles, or e-Apostilles.
Recent casesInternational and Immigration Law, September 2012Recent cases of interest to immigrational and immigration law attorneys.
Cubanism: Cuba in commerce with the worldBy Joseph F. Locallo, Jr.International and Immigration Law, July 2012Is Cuba what it now appears to be, a country relinquishing some of its ideals imbedded in Communism and Socialism in order to prosper in a new world economy?
Is reform a reality for women in Saudi Arabia?By Cindy G. Buys & Stephanie MacuibaInternational and Immigration Law, July 2012This article provides some background on the Saudi Arabian political and legal systems and on the possibilities for future reforms to expand women’s rights.
Wave of change: Chicago-Kent’s commitment to assisting and educating judges and attorneys in MexicoBy Jasmine V. HernandezBench and Bar, July 2012Representatives from Chicago Kent College of Law have worked closely with those at one of Mexico's leading private universities to develop a curriculum designed to train Mexican judges, attorneys, law professors, and law students in criminal law, criminal procedure, and trial advocacy as necessitated by recent amendments to Mexico’s Constitution.
Is reform a reality for women in Saudi Arabia?By Cindy G. Buys & Stephanie MacuibaWomen and the Law, June 2012This article provides some background on the Saudi Arabian political and legal systems and on the possibilities for future reforms to expand women’s rights.
Thin ice: Avoiding missteps with the Foreign Corrupt Practices ActBy Marlene Fuentes & Gregory G. ThiessCorporate Law Departments, June 2012A brief overview of the pertinent provisions of the FCPA used as part of FCPA enforcement efforts, a summary of some of the most recent enforcement cases and results, and some tips for companies and their counsel to assure that their day-to-day business activities will not become the subject of a future investigation or prosecution.
The world is watching and emulatingBy Hon. Jesse G. ReyesBench and Bar, June 2012We should be cognizant of the fact that when our Founding Fathers established our system of justice, they indeed created a city upon a hill which has been admired and emulated throughout the years by countries seeking to have the same rule of law we are privileged to work in every day.
Cubanism: Cuba in commerce with the worldBy Joseph F. Locallo, Jr.Corporate Law Departments, May 2012Is Cuba what it now appears to be, a country relinquishing some of its ideals imbedded in Communism and Socialism in order to prosper in a new world economy?
Seventh Circuit holds that women at risk of trafficking are not a “social groupBy Chris CardonaInternational and Immigration Law, April 2012According to the recent decision in Cece v. Holder, young women at risk of being trafficked into sexual slavery are not members of a social group for purposes of seeking asylum under U.S. law.
Recent casesInternational and Immigration Law, March 2012Recent cases of interest to international & immigration attorneys.
Setting up in Flanders—Part 3By Ian RobberechtsInternational and Immigration Law, March 2012Some points for a foreign investor to consider when starting commercial operations in Belgium.
Canadian Federal Court of Appeal provides direction for patentability of business methods in CanadaBy Kent Daniels, Brett Slaney, & Anil BholeIntellectual Property, December 2011While Canada's Federal Court of Appeals declined to determine the patentability of the “one-click” technique used by, Inc., it held that “there is no basis to determine conclusively that a business method should not be patentable subject matter.”
Energy from renewable sources in Bulgaria: Embracing the feed-in-tariffBy Elena SabkovaInternational and Immigration Law, December 2011The new Bulgarian Law on Energy from Renewable Sources was expected to set a new stage for the players in this sector: its target was to increase the consumption of energy from renewables by creating predictable scenarios for the operators and the investors and guaranteeing government funding and support for the generators.
New INCOTERMS 2010By Lynne R. OstfeldInternational and Immigration Law, December 2011The word INCOTERMS is an abbreviation for International Commercial Terms. These are commercial terms drafted and published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), in Paris. First published in 1936, the terms were just updated in 2010 and are often referred to as INCOTERMS 2010.
Registration of commercial agency and distributor agreements in the Arab Middle EastBy Howard L. StovallInternational and Immigration Law, December 2011Your company has just entered into a commercial agency or distributorship agreement with a local party in the Arab Middle East. The local party is now claiming that the agreement must be registered with local government authorities. Is this true? If so, what are the implications of such registration?
Setting up in Flanders—Part 2By Ian RobberechtsInternational and Immigration Law, December 2011Some points for a foreign investor to consider when starting commercial operations in Belgium.
Recent developments in Swiss business lawBy Florian S. JörgInternational and Immigration Law, November 2011A list of changes to note when doing business in Switzerland.
Can corporations be held liable for international torts under the Alien Tort Statute?By Cindy G. BuysInternational and Immigration Law, October 2011The Seventh Circuit recently answered this question in the affirmative in Flomo v. Firestone Natural Rubber Co. But because the Second Circuit reached the opposite conclusion, it'll be up to the U.S. Supreme Court to ultimately resolve the issue.
International issues are everywhereInternational and Immigration Law, October 2011Recent international law-related questions posted to the ISBA's General Transactional listserv.