Articles on International Law

Pro bono attorneys needed International and Immigration Law, February 2010 The National Immigrant Justice Center periodically publishes a list of cases for which pro bono attorneys are needed to represent asylum seekers and other immigrants in need of protection.
U.S. charities and international philanthropy: What you need to know By Stephanie J. Bagot Corporate Law Departments, December 2009 International giving by U.S. charities is estimated to have reached a record in 2007 of $5.4 billion.
Arbitration and the Arab Middle East: Some thoughts from a commercial lawyer By Howard L. Stovall International and Immigration Law, November 2009 Islamic law encourages arbitration of disputes, as does the European civil law jurisdictions that have most influenced the Arab Middle East. Yet while Western businesses are increasingly using arbitration to resolve disputes in international commercial transactions, acceptance has been slower in the Arab world.
Dubai: A regional arbitration center? By Raid Abu-Manneh International and Immigration Law, November 2009 Following the recent establishment of the LCIA-DIFC Centre at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai now has two international arbitration centres. This reflects the increasing acceptance of arbitration in the Middle East and the progress made in developing arbitration in Dubai.
The growing role of alternative dispute resolution in international trade agreements By Colin McGowan Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2009 Free trade agreements, more often than not, have begun to contain ADR related clauses and mechanisms. These clauses, if drafted correctly, will be able to provide the groundwork for a more effective resolution between the two parties in the event a dispute should arise.
Ideas for submissions to The Globe International and Immigration Law, November 2009 If any member of the International & Immigration Law Section is interested in writing an article for The Globe, but is having trouble selecting a topic, the ISBA E-Clips provide a source of ideas. Every few days there will be a case mentioned concerning “Aliens” which will mention a federal court decision. Any of these cases can be the basis of a short article or case note for The Globe.
International arbitration procedures—A look at the use of arbitration internationally: Arbitration procedures in the United Kingdom By Colin McGowan Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2009 In 1996, after a lengthy effort, the United Kingdom introduced Arbitration Act 1996.
Issues for discussion International and Immigration Law, November 2009 At a recent Section Council meeting of the International and Immigration Law Section, the members present decided that, from time to time, questions would be posed to all the members of the Section Council. Their responses would then be provided as an item in The Globe. The concept is to broaden the discussion of issues that the international and immigration practitioner is apt to face.
2009 US-China Legal Exchange International and Immigration Law, October 2009 The US Department of Commerce (DOC) hosted a senior delegation from China in October 2009 to discuss China’s amendments to the Patent Law and the draft Telecommunications Law as part of the 2009 US-China Legal Exchange.
It’s past time to ratify the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, October 2009 In May of this year, the Obama Administration announced its treaty priority list. Prominent on that list is the Administration’s support for Senate advice and consent to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Mexico replaces all 700 of its customs inspectors and replaces them with 1,400 newly trained agents By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, October 2009 In August, Mexico announced that it had replaced all 700 of its customs inspectors with 1,400 new agents who were specially trained to detect weapons, narcotic drugs, and other contraband as well as “big-ticket appliances” such as televisions that may be smuggled into Mexico without paying the applicable import duties.
New German arbitration rules meant to expedite proceedings By Mark C. Hilgard & Jan Kraayvanger International and Immigration Law, October 2009 One of the most important advantages of arbitration, when compared to litigation, is supposed to be speed. However, there is growing criticism that in recent years commercial arbitration has become too lengthy and, as a result, too expensive.
Developments in Swiss business law for the first half of 2009 By Florian S. Jörg International and Immigration Law, September 2009 International business law updates.
Haiti tries again for Temporary Protected Status By Sara A. Raheb International and Immigration Law, September 2009 On January 6, 2009, U.S. Representative Alcee L. Hastings reintroduced legislation to grant Haitians Temporary Protected Status.
International HR economic downturn toolkit: What you need to know to project-manage cross-border restructurings, pay-cuts, and reductions-in-force By Donald C. Dowling, Jr. Corporate Law Departments, June 2009 When a U.S.-headquartered employer suffers economic difficulties and needs to cut back its human resources costs, the first strategies that will likely come to mind are U.S.-style retrenchments like restructurings, pay-cuts, and reductions-in-force. This “toolkit” addresses how American-based multinationals can project-manage a cross-border human resources retrenchment across operations outside the U.S. 
Obtaining deposition testimony from witnesses abroad: A primer for Illinois lawyers By Timothy J. Chorvat & Jill M. Hutchison Civil Practice and Procedure, June 2009 In seeking discovery from non-parties who are located outside the United States, the greatest limitations an attorney is likely to face will be restrictions imposed by the jurisdiction in which the deponent is located.
Recent developments in merger enforcement and policy under China’s new anti-monopoly law By Michael Jacobs June 2009 Over the past several months,four important developments have shed some light on the short-term future of merger analysis in China.
ABA Section of International Law Meeting By Violeta I. Balan International and Immigration Law, April 2009 One of this year’s most important events for international lawyers is the Spring Meeting of ABA Section of International Law, taking place in Washington, DC, on April 14-18, 2009.
Alert for religious organizations and religious workers By Scott D. Pollock International and Immigration Law, April 2009 Date: November 26, 2008 Re: Changes to the Religious Worker Visa Program
“Explicit” waivers of foreign sovereign immunity need not explicitly refer to courts of the United States By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, April 2009 In Capital Ventures International v. Republic of Argentina, the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit had to decide “whether the Republic of Argentina explicitly waived its sovereign immunity from suit in the United States as to claims relating to bonds issued by Argentina under German law.”
A guide to consular notification for local governments By Mark C. Palmer Local Government Law, February 2009 Is an international law treaty from 1963 important to local governments in Illinois?
The basics of buying a home in Mexico: Mi Casa in Mexico 101 By Humberto Guerrero International and Immigration Law, January 2009 This article intends to provide foreign buyers with the essentials on how to buy a dream home in Mexico.
China’s Antimonopoly Law: The first 100 days By Ying Deng January 2009 An overview of the six civil cases filed in China's People's Courts and China’s planning for antitrust civil litigation. A short background section provides some of the history of AML and its basic functions.
Investment arbitration and financial crisis: The global financial crisis and BITs By Joshua Fellenbaum International and Immigration Law, January 2009 The global economy has struck a significant downturn, which as this article posits, could have direct effects on investor-state arbitration claims.
What you need to know about consular notification By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, January 2009 On Thursday, December 11, 2008, the International and Immigration Law Section Council sponsored an interesting and informative CLE program on consular notification at the ISBA’s Mid-Year Meetings.
What you need to know about consular notification for the defense—What difference can consular notification make? By Scott D. Pollock International and Immigration Law, January 2009 Foreign nationals in the U.S. find themselves in a difficult situation when they are in criminal or immigration proceedings.
Mexico helps reduce transportation costs: The Ciudad Juárez-El Paso metro area is the ideal location By Humberto Guerrero International and Immigration Law, December 2008 High oil prices are indeed affecting U.S. and non-U.S. companies around the world. A U.S. company that manufactures a product 7,000 miles away from home is definitely running into cost problems due to the unprecedented high transportation costs.
The mutually beneficial relationship between the Section Council and the Consulates By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, December 2008 The ISBA Section on International and Immigration Law has for many years held some of its meetings at Consulate Generals of various nations.
Compliance with United States export controls By Richard T. Ruzich & Daniel Cherry International and Immigration Law, November 2008 Your Client enters into an agreement with the United States Government
Looking for a precedent for three-dimensional trademarks in Japan? Coke is it By Pradip K. Sahu International and Immigration Law, November 2008 On May 29, 2008, the Japan Intellectual Property High Court reversed the decision of the Japan Patent Office (the “JPO”) in which the JPO rejected the application for registration of one of the Coca-Cola Company’s unique bottle shapes as a three-dimensional trademark.

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