Articles on Mineral Law

USEPA Considers Emission Standards for Methane By Craig R. Hedin Environmental and Natural Resources Law, February 2020 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's one-size-fits-all approach with respect to all oil and natural gas operators in the United States has a disproportional impact on conventional operations such as those in Illinois where the norm is low production wells and small business operators.
Office of Oil & Gas Resource Management Report of November 29, 2019 Mineral Law, December 2019 A summary of the November 29 Office of Oil & Gas Resource Management report.
Oil & Gas Regulatory Revisions By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2019 A summary of recent revisions to the Regulations of the Oil and Gas Act.
Stratigraphy Issues in the Permitting Process By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2019 The Illinois Department of Natural Resources/Office of Oil and Gas Resource Management recently decided to require that applications and reporting forms refer to stratigraphic formations in the manner as identified and stated in Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 95 published in 1975.
USEPA Considers Emission Standards for Methane By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2019 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's one-size-fits-all approach with respect to all oil and natural gas operators in the United States has a disproportional impact on conventional operations such as those in Illinois where the norm is low production wells and small business operators.
Can Oilfield Pumpers Be Independent Contractors for Purposes of Illinois Unemployment Insurance? By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2019 A recent decision from the Illinois Department of Employment Security re-affirmed its longstanding position that it is very difficult for an oilfield pumper to be deemed an independent contractor.
Office of Oil and Gas Resource Management Report of August 30, 2019 Mineral Law, September 2019 A summary of the August 30 Office of Oil & Gas Resource Management report.
The Unknown or Contrary Mineral Owner By Matthew L. McArthy Mineral Law, September 2019 A discussion of legal remedies available for oil and gas operators facing common legal problems.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Proposes Amendments to Methane Regulations By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2019 On August 29, 2019, the EPA proposed certain updates for the oil and natural gas industry as a result of its review of the 2016 New Source Performance Standards.
End of session summary of legislation affecting the coal industry By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2019 A summary of legislation affecting the coal industry.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources report of May 31, 2019 Mineral Law, June 2019 The May 31, 2019, Illinois Department of Natural Resources report.
Mineral Law Community By John W. Brooke Mineral Law, June 2019 An introduction to the Mineral Law Community from John W. Brooke, the new community manager.
A primer on mineral interests in Illinois real estate By Joe Kusmierczak Mineral Law, June 2019 Owners and practitioners should take great care when drafting instruments purporting to convey or reserve an interest in minerals.
Status of legislation affecting the oil and gas industry By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, June 2019 Status updates on bills affecting the oil and gas industry.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources report of March 1, 2019 Mineral Law, March 2019 The March 1, 2019, Illinois Department of Natural Resources report.
An open letter to the coal, oil, and gas industries By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, March 2019 Thoughts on how to help make things better for the coal, oil, and gas industries.
An overriding royalty interest is an interest in real property By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, March 2019 An overriding royalty interest in an Illinois oil and gas lease is an interest in real property.
Partitioning working interest in an oil and gas lease By David M. Foreman Mineral Law, March 2019 An overview of the Partition Act.
1 comment (Most recent April 23, 2019)
Summary of pending legislation affecting the oil and gas industry By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, March 2019 Summaries of pending legislation affecting the oil and gas industry.
Colorado ballot measures bring discussion of regulatory takings to the mineral extraction industry and to the electorate By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2018 A summary of two propositions Colorado voters recently voted on, both of which would have an effect on the oil and gas industry.
Descriptions in tax deeds By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, December 2018 It is common practice for taxing authorities to separately assess and tax lessors’ royalties.
IDNR considers revision of OG-10 form By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2018 A list of the proposed revisions to the OG-10 form discussed at the November Oil and Gas Advisory Board meeting.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources: Report of November 9, 2018 Mineral Law, December 2018 The November 9, 2018, Illinois Department of Natural Resources report.
The oil and gas industry in Illinois By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2018 The oil industry has made a large economic impact in Illinois for over 100 years.
Rule of capture litigation update By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, December 2018 An update on a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court ruling, which held that the rule of capture did not apply to shale gas extraction through hydraulic fracturing.
IDNR considers rules changes By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2018 The Oil and Gas Advisory Board is working with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Oil and Gas Resource Management, to consider possible rule changes.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources report of September 10, 2018 Mineral Law, September 2018 The September 10, 2018, Illinois Department of Natural Resources report.
Landowner grant program resurrected By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2018 The Office of Oil and Gas Resource Management has announced that it has been authorized to resurrect the Landowner Grant Program.
Pennsylvania court turns rule of capture on its head By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2018 In April, a Pennsylvania appellate court held that the rule of capture did not apply to a well that was the subject of hydraulic fracturing in Briggs vs. Southwestern Energy Production Company—a holding that casts a chill over the entire industry as a possible harbinger of things to come.
What the new regulatory atmosphere in Washington could mean for the Illinois coal industry By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, September 2018 The regulatory developments coming from the Trump administration—particularly those from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy—are once again likely to have a greater effect on the power sector and all sources of energy than any other recent developments.

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