Articles on Mineral Law

Coal industry finding help in Washington, but how much will the industry benefit? By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, June 2018 Recently, there have been seemingly positive announcements from the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency that have come as a result of the new administration under President Trump. But will these announcements really give the ailing industry a much-needed boost?
Illinois coal production increases By John E. Rhine Mineral Law, June 2018 In 2017, Illinois produced 46.5 million tons of coal—a 6.7 percent increase over the prior year.
Revised IDNR regulations By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, June 2018 A summary of revisions to regulations that affect the oil and gas industry in Illinois.
Clear and unambiguous: “All” means all By Kris Tuttle Mineral Law, March 2018 In Ramsey Herndon LLC v. Whiteside, both the supreme court opinion and the appellate court opinions discuss many issues that frequently arise in the mineral law practice with citations to treatises and case law.
Comments from the Editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, March 2018 News and updates from Editor Craig Hedin.
1 comment (Most recent March 14, 2018)
Headwinds for the U.S. coal industry and what it means for Illinois By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, March 2018 In this article, author John Henderson takes closer look at some of the headwinds and challenges facing the coal industry in the U.S.
The Illinois coal industry: Where it’s been, where it is, and where it’s (maybe) going By John H. Henderson Mineral Law, December 2017 For the next 30 years or so, the Illinois Basin is expected to maintain its current level of production and become a bigger fish in a shrinking pond. With the recoverable tons it has, the coal industry in Illinois should be a prominent national factor for years to come.
Oil and gas mortgagees beware By David M. Williams Mineral Law, December 2017 An interesting case--Gloria’s Ranch v. Tauren et al-- covering oil and gas leasing, exploration, production, conveyancing and financing was recently decided in the appellate court of Louisiana.
Proposed amendment to the Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Tax Act By David M. Foreman Mineral Law, December 2017 This article addresses the Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Tax Act, 35 ILCS 450/2-1 et seq. (Tax Act) and the Illinois Department of Revenue’s proposed regulations implementing it.
Comments from the Editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2017 News and updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
To record or not to record, that is the question By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, June 2017 Author John C. Robison Jr. recently submitted mineral deeds, both lacking acknowledgments, to recorders in two separate counties. Both recorders rejected the deeds for recording because they lacked an acknowledgment.
Ownership of mineral interest: How to avoid probate, taxes and loss of rights By David M. Foreman & George C. Lackey Mineral Law, March 2017 The use of a mineral trust can avoid the issue of multiple ancillary probates in the states where the mineral interests are located.
Acquisition of mineral interests by tax deed By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, December 2016 For the purpose of determining whether a mineral interest is conveyed by such a deed, the focus of this article is the character of the interest conveyed by a tax deed that purports to convey a royalty interest.
Oil and gas law for the non-oil and gas lawyer By John C. Robison Mineral Law, September 2016 An overview for the practitioner who only occasionally encounters real estate with oil and gas issues.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, June 2016 News and updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Department to consider injection well issues Mineral Law, March 2016 Class II wells are used to inject fluids associated with oil and natural gas production. These fluids are primarily salt water that is brought to the surface while producing oil and gas.
Partition of minerals By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, December 2015 A look at the case and legislative history of partition in Illinois.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, August 2015 News and updated compiled by Editor Craig Hedin.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, April 2015 Updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Executive leasing rights—Duties owed and unresolved issues By Matthew L. McArthy Mineral Law, April 2015 Executive rights are generally the power to execute leases on behalf of the mineral owner. The rights are created by both grant and reservation. Author Matthew McArthy discusses the existing law in Illinois and unresolved issues.
The character and extent of the interest acquired by a tax-deed purchaser of a royalty under an oil and gas lease By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, January 2015 It is virtually impossible to acquire an unsevered mineral interest by a tax deed. However, it may be possible to acquire a severed mineral interest, if it is assessed and taxed as such rather than as a royalty in an oil and gas lease.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, October 2014 Updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, September 2014 Recent updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, June 2014 Recent updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, May 2014 Recent updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
Disposal wells: Who should be required to consent—surface or mineral owners? By Matthew L. McArthy Mineral Law, May 2014 The author provides clarification for attorneys dealing with this issue.
1 comment (Most recent May 13, 2014)
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, March 2014 Recent updates of interest to mineral law practitioners.
The (mine)field of mineral conveyancing By John C. Robison, Jr. Mineral Law, October 2013 A synopsis of the recent case of Department of Natural Resources v. Waide and a look at its consequences.
Comments from the editor By Craig R. Hedin Mineral Law, June 2013 An introduction to the issue from Editor Craig Hedin.
If you can’t beat ‘em, tax ‘em By J. Casy Martin Mineral Law, June 2013 This article provides an overview and highlights some of the regulatory provisions contained in the Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Tax Act.

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