So you want to be a media star? What you can learn from the judges and lawyers who appear in the media
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, October 2016
The so-called Presumptively Void Transfers Act: Yet another trap for the unwary
Real Estate Law, October 2016
Specifically naming defendant in caption of summons required Supreme Court Rule 101(d)
Construction Law, February 2016
Spotlight on REM members (and past members!): What a Guy—He Never Stops Giving!
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, October 2016
Spotlight on Shira Truitt—Getting to know a genuine Champion for Diversity and Defender of Justice
Diversity Leadership Council, June 2016
Spotlight on Shira Truitt—Getting to know a genuine Champion for Diversity and Defender of Justice
Women and the Law, March 2016
2 comments (Most recent March 23, 2016)
Standing Committee on Racial & Ethnic Minorities and the Law
Diversity Leadership Council, June 2016
The status of the “test the waters” doctrine after the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision in Bowman v. Ottney
Bench and Bar, February 2016
Step-by-step civil juries in a nutshell
Civil Practice and Procedure, February 2016
1 comment (Most recent February 10, 2016)
Stepped-up basis for credit shelter trusts using PEG powers under Illinois law
Trusts and Estates, April 2016
Stop using free e-mail accounts for your business
Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, November 2016
1 comment (Most recent November 16, 2016)
Strict liability imposed on product manufacturer for defective component parts
Tort Law, November 2016
Suing certain governmental entities for willful and wanton misconduct just became easier—Illinois abandons the public duty rule
Local Government Law, May 2016
Suing certain governmental entities for willful and wanton misconduct just became easier—Illinois abandons the public duty rule
Civil Practice and Procedure, May 2016
Summary judgment motion practice in the Central and Southern districts
Federal Civil Practice, February 2016
Summary judgment motion practice in the Northern District of Illinois
Federal Civil Practice, April 2016
The summary judgment motion—The strategic decisions you need to make
Federal Civil Practice, February 2016