When worlds collide—Condominium law vs. foreclosure law and 1010 Lake Shore Association v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
Real Estate Law, February 2016
Who signs the certificate of service? Rule 12(b)(3) and the pitfalls of noncompliance
Civil Practice and Procedure, November 2016
Why divorce lawyers should be tuning in more with their “sensitive side” to relate better to clients
Women and the Law, March 2016
Why the date we file a petition for dissolution of marriage just became Important
Family Law, May 2016
Will climate change come soon to college campuses? A Coalition of Diverse Bar Groups Hosts a Historic Symposium on Emerging Law and Other Interventions to Address the Ongoing Scourge Of Sexual Assault on College Campuses
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2016
Will climate change come soon to college campuses? A Coalition of Diverse Bar Groups Hosts a Historic Symposium on Emerging Law and Other Interventions to Address the Ongoing Scourge Of Sexual Assault on College Campuses
Diversity Leadership Council, June 2016
Will the real party plaintiff please stand up? Toward a sane foreclosure process: Substitution of party plaintiff, the transfer of Interest, and Implications on Standing
Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, May 2016
Will the real party plaintiff please stand up? Toward a sane foreclosure process: Substitution of party plaintiff, the transfer of interest, and implications on standing
Real Estate Law, May 2016
1 comment (Most recent April 21, 2016)
The worst call I have ever had with the IRS… and how the agent redeemed himself
Federal Taxation, April 2016
1 comment (Most recent April 7, 2016)
You cannot go bankrupt selling marijuana!
Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, March 2016
Your client has just been found not guilty by reason of insanity—Your work is not over
Mental Health Law, May 2016
Your next Web site: Going from a handful of ideas to a powerful business tool
Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, May 2016
Zagorski v. Allstate Insurance Company: Stock discovery objections fail to pass muster with 5th District
Insurance Law, August 2016
Zagorski v. Allstate Insurance Company: Stock discovery objections fail to pass muster with 5th District
Civil Practice and Procedure, June 2016