January 2025Volume 1Number 1PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

LAWPAC Needs You!

In 1978, the ISBA created LAWPAC (the Illinois Lawyers’ Political Action Committee). LAWPAC’s purpose is simple—to support the legislative goals of the ISBA and the legal profession of Illinois. It is administered by an independent, bi-partisan Board of Trustees of four Republicans and four Democrats. LAWPAC makes contributions to candidates for nomination or election to the Illinois General Assembly. The determination of the political contributions to be made in furtherance of the purposes of Illinois LAWPAC are at the discretion of the Board of Trustees in consultation with the legislative representatives of the ISBA. LAWPAC does not support or oppose candidates based on their positions on policy matters that ISBA members may reasonably disagree on unrelated to the legal profession. LAWPAC’s focus is on candidates whose positions would have positive or negative impacts on the practice of law, the independence of the judiciary, or the efficient administration of the courts. We want to support candidates that care about the ISBA’s interest in maintaining the integrity of the legal profession and recognize the needs and changing issues facing attorneys today.

The legislative positions of the legal profession often are opposed by highly organized and well-funded special interest groups and other professions who are not vested in our positions as attorneys. It is unrealistic for the legal profession to expect to be truly effective with its legislative program to protect your practice and the independence of the judicial system unless it is willing to be a full participant in the legislative process.

This is where YOU are critical. LAWPAC relies solely on contributions by lawyers and others interested in the legislative program of the Bar. It does not use ISBA membership dues. However, contributions to LAWPAC have decreased recently. We cannot be effective without your assistance. We need your contributions to fund LAWPAC! Please contribute today.

You can help LAWPAC by sending your contributions to LAWPAC, 424 South Second Street, Springfield, IL 62701-1779 or by visiting the following link: https://www.isba.org/legislative/lawpacontribution.

It is more important than ever that we all do our part to give our profession a strong voice in Springfield and help elect legislators who will stand up for the administration of justice and the practice of law.

Please help LAWPAC help you!

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