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2015 Articles
Advising clients on home inspector’s limitation of liability
November 2015
1 comment (Most recent November 29, 2015)
Are we relevant to your practice?
November 2015
Chair’s column: Lawyers—The next generation
April 2015
Chair’s column: The solo and small firm practice is still alive and well in Illinois
March 2015
1 comment (Most recent February 25, 2015)
Does size matter? Absolutely!
April 2015
Immediate Past Chair’s column
September 2015
License grant—A licensee’s perspective
November 2015
Maintenance in Illinois divorce litigation
April 2015
Observations of an old country lawyer…. or, cows and dogs sleeping together….
March 2015
1 comment (Most recent February 25, 2015)
Pharmacist dispensing error…Is a 622 affidavit required?
November 2015
Tradition of Excellence Award
March 2015
The world keeps changing—Or does history repeat itself?
September 2015
1 comment (Most recent September 16, 2015)